Sunday, July 19, 2009

~Matt LaPorta~

Tommy and I attend the Vineyard Church of Columbus. We love the Modern Christian Worship Music that is played at our church. I noticed at Opening Day at Hunnington Park that whenever Matt LaPorta came up to bat that the speakers would play "Everlasting God" (a song we sing at Vineyard). Since Opening day Dad, Tommy and myself have been raving about how great it is that he chose a song of faith to play at the Clippers Stadium. Wildly enough... guess who was featured in the Columbus Dispatch this past Thursday? Enjoy!

mbus Dispatch ~ Zach Swartz

COLUMBUS: When Matt LaPorta walks to the batter's box, the song that begins blaring over Huntington Park's loudspeakers is not the usual hip-hop or rock music that usually pops on when a hitter steps in.

It's called Everlasting God, a rock-pop number by Lincoln Brewster, and it serves as motivation for the Clippers' left fielder and first baseman. It also helps illustrate his relationship with God, which he calls his real drive for the game.

''It's helped me through my career in the sense that baseball is not everything,'' LaPorta said recently. ''There are important things in life other than baseball and how I perform on the baseball field. The most important thing is serving [God] and others.''

He didn't always feel that strongly. LaPorta grew up Catholic in Florida, but realized in high school that he wasn't getting as much from that religion as he'd hoped. At the urging of a friend, he attended a nondenominational Christian service and found his spiritual home.

But LaPorta's beliefs and baseball didn't mix until college.

A standout first baseman at Florida, LaPorta went into his freshman season expecting to play every game. After starting only about half the time, LaPorta said religion was a major factor to keep him playing.

''I struggled with that,'' LaPorta said. ''It was hard not to be the guy, hard not to play. I just tried to focus more on reading my Bible and stuff and said, 'The only person that is going to be able to help me through this is God.'

''I thought it was all about me. I worked so hard, I should be the best — I, I, I — but in essence it was all about God. By my senior year I realized that.''

LaPorta is not shy about displaying his faith. He wears a cross around his neck, points to the sky after he hits a home run and etches a cross in the dirt before each plate appearance.

After three weeks with the Indians in May, his Twitter account (under the moniker Gator4God) announced, ''Can't sleep. Headed back to Columbus because I got sent down. Not to worry it is all part of God's amazing plan.'' His other posts often quote Bible verses.

LaPorta, 24, was the key acquisition in the Indians' trade with the Milwaukee Brewers last July for pitcher CC Sabathia. He batted a combined .279 with 22 home runs in Double-A last season and was part of the United States' team that won the bronze medal in the Beijing Olympics.

This season with the Clippers, he has maintained a batting average above .300 and his 11 home runs are tied for the team lead. But he has had troubles making the transition from the outfield, which he played for the first part of his two-year professional career, to first base. He batted .190 in his May call-up to the Indians.

But it is faith through baseball — or perhaps, baseball through faith — that LaPorta said makes his road easier.

''Guys ask, 'Why don't you [thank God] when you strike out?' '' LaPorta said. ''Well, how would the teammates feel about that? In essence, I thank God after every at-bat — whether I strike out or I hit a home run.''

COLUMBUS: When Matt LaPorta walks to the batter's box, the song that begins blaring over Huntington Park's loudspeakers is not the usual hip-hop or rock music that usually pops on when a hitter steps in.

It's called Everlasting God, a rock-pop number by Lincoln Brewster, and it serves as motivation for the Clippers' left fielder and first baseman. It also helps illustrate his relationship with God, which he calls his real drive for the game.

''It's helped me through my career in the sense that baseball is not everything,'' LaPorta said recently. ''There are important things in life other than baseball and how I perform on the baseball field. The most important thing is serving [God] and others.''

He didn't always feel that strongly. LaPorta grew up Catholic in Florida, but realized in high school that he wasn't getting as much from that religion as he'd hoped. At the urging of a friend, he attended a nondenominational Christian service and found his spiritual home.

But LaPorta's beliefs and baseball didn't mix until college.

A standout first baseman at Florida, LaPorta went into his freshman season expecting to play every game. After starting only about half the time, LaPorta said religion was a major factor to keep him playing.

''I struggled with that,'' LaPorta said. ''It was hard not to be the guy, hard not to play. I just tried to focus more on reading my Bible and stuff and said, 'The only person that is going to be able to help me through this is God.'

''I thought it was all about me. I worked so hard, I should be the best — I, I, I — but in essence it was all about God. By my senior year I realized that.''

LaPorta is not shy about displaying his faith. He wears a cross around his neck, points to the sky after he hits a home run and etches a cross in the dirt before each plate appearance.

After three weeks with the Indians in May, his Twitter account (under the moniker Gator4God) announced, ''Can't sleep. Headed back to Columbus because I got sent down. Not to worry it is all part of God's amazing plan.'' His other posts often quote Bible verses.

LaPorta, 24, was the key acquisition in the Indians' trade with the Milwaukee Brewers last July for pitcher CC Sabathia. He batted a combined .279 with 22 home runs in Double-A last season and was part of the United States' team that won the bronze medal in the Beijing Olympics.

This season with the Clippers, he has maintained a batting average above .300 and his 11 home runs are tied for the team lead. But he has had troubles making the transition from the outfield, which he played for the first part of his two-year professional career, to first base. He batted .190 in his May call-up to the Indians.

But it is faith through baseball — or perhaps, baseball through faith — that LaPorta said makes his road easier.

''Guys ask, 'Why don't you [thank God] when you strike out?' '' LaPorta said. ''Well, how would the teammates feel about that? In essence, I thank God after every at-bat — whether I strike out or I hit a home run.''

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