Sunday, July 26, 2009

~Papa's Pizza~

From Tommy:

I always like to try new recipes and work on them until perfected, and lately it's been slabs of ribs on the grill and pizza dough. The latter of the two I attempted several times over the past couple weeks. My objective was to recreate a dough that would yield pizzeria like crust, taste and texture. Tonight, I came as close as I ever have to that goal!

It wasn't perfect, the crust was still too thin, but I think I know how to fix that the next time around. The interesting part of this dough was that it needed to rest in the fridge for 5 days before baking it! BUT, the taste and texture was well worth the wait!

Tonight's pie was topped with pizza sauce, mozzarella, peperoni, tomato, mushrooms, bacon and feta cheese. YUM!! Here are some pix of the process:

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