Friday, September 3, 2010

~Labor Day Weekend~

Friday night Tommy and I watched Date Night...while charging batteries and getting ready for Saturday's wedding. It was in the theaters for so long; so we guessed that it would be good! I like the first half better than the second but it was still good/really funny.

Alisha went with Tommy on Saturday. I went over to my dads with about 12 hers and 5 veggies!We planted them at their house so that they can be in the ground. We are only aloud to have pots and the condo. Even at that, I'm told I have too many, Whatever! I am just so excited because if they have some time to spread their roots in the ground before winter, they will grow even bigger next year! While I was packing up the truck with my pots, tools and such I was praying that I wouldn't be too sad about my herbs leaving my front patio. While I was doing this, the biggest butterfly that I have seen in my garden game fluttering by. Mind you that I was left with two pots left to pack. He came down all the way from two buildings over and started circling me. He circled me three times and then "sat" on the grown next to me. I was hoping that he would say, and he did, I went and got my camera and came back. He was still there and I got at least 10 pictures of him. How great is God?
When I got to my dad's we stated working on digging out, figuring out where each item will go, etc. This is what the bed looked like before...
Once we got the flowers and such out daddy moved on to get the dirt and CLAY below all mixed up and loose. Mind you that one side of it have to be over a foot deep to plant the tomatoes! Oh goodness! I can't believe daddy could do it all in one day. Thank goodness it was cool out.
It was cool enough for me to borrow one of daddy's long sleeve tee's. Mom took this one of the two of us from the patio. "Making Progress"!
Here's our after shot! They now have tomatoes, rosemary, basil, oregano, tarragon, mint, sage, jalapeno peppers, sweet bell peppers, thyme green peppers and red peppers at their fingertips! ;) Yeah for our Stohrer/Feisel Community Garden!

On Sunday Tommy and I went back over to my parents house. Tommy wanted to watch the Michigan game that Daddy DVR'd for him. My parents were having their friend Doug over to make succotash. The four of us got the lima beans ready to go before he got there.

Boy was the succotash yummy! We ended up going to the Gahanna's Farmers Market to get tomatoes to have as a side dish. They were so fresh and so yummy. While we were there I got green beans, onions, cucumber and zucchini too. I like having the opportunity to support local growers.
In the afternoon I went to Meijer to get some things to make a couple of appetizers that I have been wanting to make. I ripped the recipes out of Food Network Mags that Jill has been giving me. I made a stuffed mushroom and stuffed avocado with daddy! He was the PERFECT sous chef. We had so much fun and we very anxious to try what we made, when it came time, we were very pleased!
~sausage, garlic and arugula stuffed mushrooms with fontina cheese~
~basil, tarragon, garlic and crab stuffed avocado~

Monday Tommy and I took the day off and had a Harry Potter Marathon, made Chocolate Pecan Ice Cream with the Ice Cream Maker and took the dog for a walk at Blendon Woods Park. It was my first time there. Jackson was one happy pup in the truck. Tommy didn't feel like putting his cage back together and so he got to sit on the back seat. As you can see he spent most the ride with his head out the window!

Jackson says, "Enjoy Your Week!"

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