Friday, September 3, 2010

~September is Here~

Monday was a great day! We just had a great day working together; at home! We got a lot taken care of!

I started my Tuesday off at Mejier. We were in desperate need of some things. Dog food for one! After I got home Tommy said, "I'm making dinner tonight!" He made steaks for dinner! By 5:30 I was so full! Oh my goodness it was great. He had some rosemary on the grill with the steaks and they were divine! Then he took noddles and added basil and tomatoes from the garden! After dinner (and a nap) we went to Trader Joe's to meet up with Alisha and Brian and got some snacks for the Tuesday night outdoor movie. After picking out hummus, wine, chocolate covered sunflower seeds, and more we set up our chairs to watch The Blind Side with Sandra Bullock. Boy, did she earn her Oscar!
This past Wednesday was my grandpas Birthday. In memory of him Mom and I went to MCL! A place that he loved to eat! Here's their new commercial! I think it's cute!

They really do take pride in their food and service! I am so happy that we able to eat there on Wed in memory of Grandpa! We had a great time shopping before and after eating! We ended up shopping and finding a dress for Hawaii (Rock the Dress Session), going to Michael's, JoAnn's, Bed Bath, Walmart, The Wine Bistro on 23 (to buy apps) and ended up at Blockbuster to get The Blind Side to take home and watch with my rents while eating the apps we got, pizza and ice cream! I was so excited to find a dress for our up coming shoot. I know we watched The Blind Side two nights in a row but I don't think it will ever get old!One of the other things on my list was to find a Martha Stewart (New) Butterfly Punch. We FINALLY found one out at Lewis Center! Yeah! I have seen many people use it with different colored/patterned paper to make such great pages! Here are some of the pages I have seen!

For the page below I got my inspiration from the sample above (Audra). In stead of bricks I used music notes. I know that the pages are not the same but it's still where I got my inspiration. When I was making the page and had the (Audra) sample on my desktop I actually had it turned 90 degrees clockwise.

Wednesday was really an amazing & fun day with my mom. We got a lot done and had a blast. On Thursday I was going to run to Big Lots and Blockbuster and mom came with me. While we were out we got Malts at UDF. It was fun to have her with me, while running around. Thursday afternoon Tommy and I took a break in our day and met up with Alisha and Brian to take the dogs to the dog park. Abby is there dog, shes a Greyhound. Abby was cracking us by putting her feet in the water bowl at the park. She did it at least 5 times while we were there.
The happy new friends. This was the first time they met!

In the evening Tommy went to my rents to watch the first football game on the season with my dad. He made jalapeno poppers for the game. After picking them from the garden, working on them and coming up with a finished product, Tommy told me that were not enough as it was and that he couldn't afford to share. Ok! As soon as he left I got everything out, in the kitchen again, picked two small peppers and made them myself. They were very yummy. I had never had one before and always wanted to try one. I can officially say that I know how to make them and like them VERY much! Below is my little work of art!

One the way home from work, Jill stopped on by Friday to say hi! She's been (and is going to be) traveling a lot over the end of Summer and all of the Autumn. It was great to visit with her for a few. I showed her the dress I got on Wed. Recently, I got the girls a couple of gifts. I found Audrey a Cars Chair (g. sale) and Brookie some "Silly Bands". They are black and white and all in the shape of numbers!

This week we also posted some of our new work. Two engagement sessions. Also we are in the process of re-doing the entire NEW AGE FOTO website. If you want to see the "Before" you better get on it! :)

Elise and I went to Middle School together and have known each other over the year, occasionally hang out. If you can't tell, he's a Military Man! She and Stephen are getting married next summer! They are OSU fans! Thank goodness they "let us" photograph!

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