Sunday, September 19, 2010

~September's Girls Night~

August Girls Night was just me and Alisha at Brio with an outdoor movie in the background. September brought a Night of Mayhem. :) We made ornaments out of Gallery Glass Paint. We made designs on Plastic Plates and let them dry! Soon we will mosaic them onto Glass Ornaments. I made these two last year with my mother in law. When I posted (on facebook) the girls stated asking when we were going to make them? So fall is finally here and we were able to start... September: Step One!

I took this pix of the girls. They were so excited to be crafty!
My table got gliterlied!
Me and Alisha
Me and Valerie
Kyla and Bethany
Me, Alisha, Kyla, Bethany, Bizzy and Valerie! Yeah for Girls Night.
We'll have to get together again soon, after everyone's plates dry, to mosaic them on to the glass ornaments! I am sure that there will be an "Ornaments are Finished Blog!" I am fairly sure that while we were playing around that we had never had so many laughs. Main Topic: What our kids are going to laugh about when they are older; "What the heck is a laptop?", "Floppy Disk, a what?" Can't wait for Octobers! We are going to European Paper (A Store in Olde Historic Ohio) and making some crafts and trading some ATC (Art Trading Cards) Cards!

1 comment:

  1. can't wait to see the final ornaments! looked like you all were having fun

