Sunday, December 19, 2010

~A Stohrer Christmas~

We had our Stohrer/Feisel Christmas Eve on the 29th. My parents came over around 4pm and we ate another round of the pan fried pizza that Tommy has been making. The combos were amazing! My parents were so impressed!

After pizza the four of us went to Shadowbox to see their Holiday Hoopla show! My Mom had never been there and Daddy had only been to a musical; Woodstock: Back to the Garden! They had so much fun and we were so close to the stage too. There was a lot of interacting going on between Amy and Tommy and one of the "Santa Babies" and Dad. It was so much fun to see my parents laughing so hard and enjoying themselves so much. After the show we got a pic together.

L to R: Billy, Me, Tommy Andy, Mom and Dad.
We spent the night at my parents house after Shadowbox and the next morning we Celebrated Christmas. Mom made Cinnamon Rolls and then we opened gifts. It was the best day!
~This is my new favorite picture of Tommy. I love his smile in this one!~
I was soooo excited to finally get a Toy Story ornament. I waited years for Hallmark to create on that I really like! It had such a great attention to detail; even the bottom of Buzz and Woody's feet said, "ANDY"!
Jill was so sweet to send along Christmas presents for my parents. Daddy loved his T-Shirt so much. He loved how "colorful" the Cleveland text was. He has already packed it in his Bat Bag.
This picture is so cute. It totally represents my parents. They each got each other a really cute gift and before opening them Daddy gave her a sweet kiss. Awwwww!

I got Mom a cookbook to share. I just might be going back to get a second copy so we can each have one at our own houses! Oh my goodness! It's an Eiffe Tower Restaurant Cookbook. We all four looked at it and fell in love. Tommy will be cooking out of it really soon!
~Mom loved the calendar that I made her!~
In the photo Daddy is wearing a Ernie shirt. It's based off a joke at Fan Camp with the guys. There were so many Bert's on the team. For Photo day the guys named Bert wore Ernie shirts and the "other guys" wore Bert shirts so that their entire team were "Berts"! So for Christmas I had to get Daddy a Bert shirt too; so he could have one of each. He loved it!
Mom made a wonderful meal for Christmas. We cracked open some wine, ate and visited! It was a great time. I wish I had gotten a picture of dessert. My grandmother Mary (Mom's Mom) made Date Bars every year for Christmas while my mom was growing up. Mom made Grandmother's recipe last night. They were so incredible!
It's tradition to lay out our gifts under the tree and get a picture. We had a wonderful Christmas. Merry Christmas to you and a Happy New Year! 2011 Here we come!

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