Sunday, December 19, 2010

~Other Holiday Fun~

I wrote his blog about three weeks ago and totally forgot to post it!

I went to Norma's in December for our Christmas together. She was so sweet to treat me to Panara! We sat, took our time, ate together and talked about we had been up to in the last month or so. Then on the way out we got Hot Chocolate and went back to her place to visit. Norma gifted me a beautiful ornament. I love it! Jim came home while were at the dinning room table. Guess who had a gift for me?! Jim too; a box of Chocolates! I felt so spoiled! We had such a great visit, played with her new Polar Express Train set, Skiing Bear and looked at her mother's deer collection. It was a the best Holiday lunch.
~My Beautiful New Ornament~

We had a great time with our Bible Study after I got home from Norma's. We went to the Zoo to see Zoo Lights. We all met up at Wendy's before hand and got some food then carpooled! It was great to talk to everyone and see the animals at night. Goodness, are some of them so different after bed time. LOL. It was incredibly funny to see too tigers spooning and Polar Bears wrestling instead of playing ball. The pic below is of part of the main circle when you first enter the Zoo.

~Our Bible Study Group; trying to stay warm!~
After the Zoo we went back to Naomi and Davids for some hot chocolate. It was such a fun time had by all. Their decorations were out, Christmas music was on, cookie and other homemade sweets were out and we just chilled. Naomi made these amazing peppermint marshmallows. I could not get enough of them. I really want to learn to make them. She was so sweet to send everyone home with goodie bags of the same sweets she had out and Melissa and Dan gifted everyone and ornament. Tommy and I have felt so welcomed and loved by this group of couples.

A couple days later I went over to Jill and Marvin's to babysat and we did our gift exchange before hand. I got the girls each and book and matching t-shirts. Brooke's book was about a little girl who has a birthday in December around Christmas and Audrey's was a Cars Soundboard book. Brookie's birthday is in December and she kept asking if the girl in the book was her???! It was so sweet. I love this picture of Audrey. I believe that it is my new favorite picture of her!

Jill spoiled me with an electronic Monopoly game, Cookbook (including Duck recipes) and some plaid! Wink Wink! Thank you Jill! You are so thoughtful. I can't wait for game night! Hello, double date!
Once Jill and Marvin left the girls started working on their letters to Santa. Brooke was so cute practically making nothing short of a list. Audrey on the other hand, her's went something like this. "I am glad you come to my house. I do not want to sit on you lap. I love you. I want bubble bath and a toy that floats; not sinks!!!". I was trying so hard not to laugh as I was writing what she way saying. She signed her name at the bottom and she was good to go.

We recently went to A Living Christmas Tree with the Kahley's but did not exchange gifts at that time. So one Sunday after church we got together and had our Christmas! Hannah was so creative, once again, for our gifts. She made Uncle Bert and Aunt Kathleen a painting on canvas! She did a fantastic job of making a Coke Bottle. Mom is holding a 12 Days of Christmas Poem she made too.
I should have cropped in big time but Hannah made me Belle Ornament. I almost cried. She took modeling clay and created her dress and sculpted it for me. I was so proud of her. She always has been (and I believe always will be) an artist!!! I love you sweetie!!!
Hannah got two gifts from me this year. One was a recipe box that I have been working on for her; for a while. I had a lot of friends and family write recipes on the matching cards. We talked about our Christmas with the fam while we were there and the first think she asked when she opened it was, "Ummm, are your Gma's Pierogi's in there?" It was so funny.
~Hannah excited about her other gift~
~Yep, you've seen it here first... A Sleeping bag!~
We had a great time with the Kahley's. Mom made a large meal and we chowed down on chocolate cake for dessert. Hannah, reminder! Your birthday will be here before you know it! :)

Tommy and I are so excited for a friends Dave and Jen. They have two daughters now! Welcome to the World baby Evelyn West. Sissy Cameron will take good care of you!

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