Wednesday, October 27, 2010

~Best Witches 2 U~

Trick or Treat, Trick or Treat,
Give me something nice to eat,
If you don't we don't care,
I'll pull down your underwear!

Halloween has come and gone but we had three festivities to attend this year. The first one was a surprise for Tommy (and Jackson). We took Jackson to Easton to go Trick-or-Treating "Puppy Style"; Sunday after Church. Jackson went as a Milk Bone!
I also invited Mom and Dad to meet up there. While we were there we ran into a High School mate of mine that daddy taught; we asked her to take a photo of the 5 of us. There were so many other dressed up puppies there. It was really a hoot. Then there were many tents filled with goodies, coupons and such all related to Dog Places around Columbus.
After Easton we went to my rents and daddy cooked steaks... yum! We had a great time visiting. It felt like a real Sunday.

Thursday night was Trick-or-Treat for Westerville and we met up with Marvin to take the girls. Jill was out of the Country. :( We missed her and I know that she missed taking the girls from house to house. We made sure to get lots of pictures for her. I had babysat the night before and laid out the girls clothes for the next day... guess who wore her new shirt to school?! :)
Audrey was a lion. Jill got her the outfit a couple weeks ago and said, "Whatever you pick that is what you are going to be! You don't get to change your mind!" Guess who changed her mind. All week she was saying, "I'm going to be a butterfly!" LOL! No! Even when Marvin was getter her dressed she told HIM, "I'm going to be a butterfly!" Audrey soon learned... Lion or nothing! Once she had her outfit on she was happy to be a lion!
~Brooke was Bat Girl and such a cute on at that! She even had a lil cape!~
~I love this pic of us!~
One of the houses was ALL DECKED OUT in life size "scary people"! There were at least 20 of these guys. Tommy walked Brooke up to look at them. Audrey was having nothing of it; just sitting at the end of the drive staring!

~Brooke looking and asking questions about the dancing skeleton~
When we got back both the girls counted, sorted and ate some of their candy. It was a great night. They were too cute.
Oh and finally at the last house A-Dub FINALLY said, "Trick or Treat!" Every time we told her to say it she said, "Noooooo!" Although she did say, "Thank you" every time! :)
On Friday night we went over to my parents house for a 5th Friday Party. Some of us dress up, some don't but mainly we eat, play board games and hang out. Tommy and I went for a while. T did not dress up this year but I got wings from Yankee Trader (witch by the way closed last week) and did my make up; up!
~Hannah was a Bumble Bee and so cute!~
~Kim, Hannah, Daddy and Me~
When Tommy and I got home we found a little gift for us in our bag of coupons and such that mom had sent home with us. Mom and dad gave us some Treats for Halloween; how sweet! It was a good Halloween!


  1. your dad cracks me up! :) I love how Jackson was licking his lips in that photo of him with his costume on, like he could "taste" the milkbone . lol. Love all of the pictures of my girls. Too cute.
