Sunday, October 3, 2010

~Hawaii - Visiting Aunt Laurie~

When I woke up in the morning I got my new suit on and the wrap that my parents got me from Hawaii; on their trip! We were off to go Snorkeling! We went back to the Hyatt (where we Honeymooned) and went out to dinner with Aunt Laurie and Aja!
It took me about an hour to adjust to breathing with my head underwater for a long period of time. I kept syking myself out thinking (that even though I was breathing through a tube) that I had to come up for hair every few seconds. Goodness! Once I got used to it, all over again, we were out to explore! We had so much fun. The water was not as clear as it was in 2007 but we still saw some fish and lots of coral!
Not having any fun at all!
Tommy, Me, Christine and Bryan at the Beach! We met them (and all of their family/friends) to go over the details for the next day. We just had to get a group shot!
Where they will be standing for the ceremony!
I just wanted to get a shot of this for fun. It's a light fixture by the side entrance to the hotel.
Got a kick out of this too. One of the 12 statues in the main lobby.
Us in the lobby after scoping everything out with Christine and Bryan.
Afterwords we headed over to Cafe Ol'Lay to get something to eat. At that point we were sooo hungry. We had a great view of the mountains where we sat. Tommy had the Special; Coconut Mahi and I had some pasta. For the most part it was a typical "American Kinda Food" restaurant with a great view.
After lunch Tommy got a Cigar and sat on the back patio with me. He relaxed and I blogged. For dinner we went to the 808 BISTRO with Aunt Laurie, her daughter Aja and her boyfriend David. Aunt Laurie moved out to Hawaii 25 years ago. She lives really close to where we stayed. 808 is a B.Y.O.B.! We picked up a bottle of white that is one of Tommy's favorites and is really hard to find in Columbus. Tommy and I split the Mahi Mahi and we went to Aunt Laurie's for dessert.
Aunt Laurie has a new puppy named Daisey and a baby bird too. They were such a hoot while sharing her lap.
When we pulled into the Condo I said to Tommy, "Look it's MY license plate! I had been trying forever to find a MSF plate. Most all of the plates start MS- or LA-. I thought for sure that there would be a MSF somewhere! No luck! Just MST, MSK, MSL, MSN and MSG's!


  1. How cute in your wrap! You were so sweet for packing it. Day two was fun.....Yippee. Can't wait for the next blog! - Mom

  2. love the license plate! made me crack up!
