Friday, October 8, 2010

~October Fun~

This October has been really busy! The next couple of Blogs will be about some of our big Oct events. For now here are some odds and ends from the last couple weeks.

I went outside after being "stuck inside" all day to get the mail and stepped out to see this view. It caught me off guard. So beautiful!
Tommy had been taking Jackson for his evening walks with me the last couple of weeks. I have joined them a few times. It's been nice to get out in this weather. I can't get over this fall. Jackson is super happy in the this picture!
Our Corn Field (by our house) was gone, overnight! Someone's been busy?
My friend Travis just left to serve out Country for a while. I put a care package together for him (with the help of my mom) and shipped it out on Monday. Yea! I hope he gets it soon.

This picture is actually from September. Tommy photographed an event at the CMA. It was a runway show with 1940's, 50's and 70's vintages pieces. All able for purchase at one of three local boutiques. The lunch they served was amazing! And the desert; a worm Sugardaddy's Apple Cinnamon Brownie with Vanilla Bean Ice Cream on top! Yes Please!
We have missed having dinner parties. They are not easy for us to pull off in the summer. We had our first ones with my rents last week. Tommy tuned on the T.V. (one night) the week before and saw a Lasagna recipe on the Martha Stewart show and told me I just had to make it! In stead of making the noodles traditionally, you soak them in warm water for 40 mins off of the stove top. Plus you make the sauce from scratch. I must say it turned out well. We all liked it.

This is a pic of Jackson looking out one of the hall window while I was in my office. He had never sat there and seen me where I was standing before. It caught him by surprise!

I forgot to take a picture at Leah's Pampered Chef Party! :( We had a great time though. I got a few new things including 4 new spices! I can't wait for them to come in. I hope they are here in time for Thanksgiving! While I was at Leah's she told me the good news... she and her hubby are expecting! Leah and I played tennis together in High School and have been friends ever since. This pic was taken when I got home and as Tommy was leaving to go out. Boy is there a story their. Maybe a future Blog Post!
Bethany had her birthday party this year at Color Your World at Easton Town Center. I met three of her friends and we hung out while "Coloring"! It was a lot of fun. You pick a ceramic item, your paint colors and any stencils you might want and go to town. :)

Justin (Joshua and John Paul's new lil brother) decided to model the lil oneise that I got for him. I was so happy to see, not only a picture of him in it, but him smiling in the photo. Such a big boy already! I have not met him yet and can not wait to!!! PS - Joshua, John Paul and Justin, Auntie M has a gift for you when she sees you! I will give you all a hint! If they were real, they would eat bananas!
Jill and I met up for lunch at A&F. We couldn't believe that we've know each other as long as we have know each other. We had so much fun. Their Cafe has so many choices for lunch. I got Sushi! Sushi! Yum. We sat outside on the patio too; it was such a nice day.

More October Stories to come!

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