Sunday, October 3, 2010

~Hawaii - Heading Home~

We left on Maui Tuesday at 11am their time! We got home around 2pm on Thursday Ohio time! On the way to the air port I got some stamps for my postcards. I was so worried while I was in line there because there were at least 10 people ahead of me! Yikes! I really wanted to send them out from Maui and not Columbus though.
Pic on the way to the airport. Goodbye Hawaii! We will miss you!
Goodbye Sugar Cane!!!
The Sugar Cane Factory on Maui!!
Tommy read an Anthony Bourdain book that Jill got me on the plane ride home. We went from Maui to Oregon, Oregon to Chicago and Chicago to Columbus. It was the longest day(s) of my life. I did not do well. My foot kept falling asleep and we had no room, not even enough to get up and walk the aisle on the middle flight. The flight from Chicago to Columbus; Oh My Goodness! Wost Flight Attendants EVER! We will never again fly with them.
There were only two good things on the way home. One: the Coraline exhibit! The text talked about how they filmed the cartoon in 3D!
Two: Eating at a lil Beach like Diner. We had Calamari!!! We had a long layover in Oregon. While we were at our late dinner, we got sat with a couple who was going to be on our same flight. We sat around a fire (at a circle table) that sat 8. We talked a lot about our jobs, where we were comin' and goin', etc. The man was so funny. While we were in line together to board he asked what seat I was in. I told him, "23A". He said, "You know? I heard that Baby is in 23B." Yeah that baby he was talking about was wailing at the time! LOL.
The next day, HOME! Ahhhhhhh! Finally HOME!

1 comment:

  1. A wonderful blog! You were having a good time! Seattle still looks good and Chantelle's kids have beautiful eyes. How fun to see them! - Mom
