Sunday, October 3, 2010

~Hawaii - Rock The Dress~

So tommy got "Read His Rights" while we were photographing the Rock the Dress session in Maui! lol.

Other than that, our shoot went great. We shot from 9am to 6:30pm! We got tons of great shots. including the hotel pool. they even got the manager to get the pool waterfalls back on for us. and we got a lot in the water before the sun went down with the sun hitting the water AND an entire back drop of lava rocks from an eruption in 1790! :) We also packed a cooler of food and drinks. that came in handy a lot!

Here's the "read his rights" story in bullet points:

-we're shooting at a state park (the rock the dress session) in the water (in horst dresses)
-lady ranger comes over and asked if it was a commercial shoot
-i said no, she pushed me to say yes, i said nooooooooooooo
-we drive to the next location (within the park) and start shooting again.
-bride just got out of the water, i went in and got settled in the water (both of us are in white dresses)
-ranger comes back and goes on and on and on about how we've been in 4 different dresses -so that it IS a commercial shoot.. um no! "learn what a commercial shoot means and get back to me lady!"
-she took tommy to the truck to and got his information and took his license and went on and on and on. blah blah blah.
-40 mins later, he's trying to leave and get back to shooting and two state cops show up
-she explains how we ARE BREAKING THE LAW. blah blah blah blah blah and they read him his rights and split us up to get both sides of the story to make sure that they match up. they did of course and the cops basically said get out of the state park and do whatever you want.

THEY WASTED AN HOUR OF OUR DAY!!!!!!! Other than that it was great! :) We had a lot of fun, brought dresses from home and of course her wedding dress. I had an "Old", "New", "Borrowed" and "Blue" for fun and Christine had her Wedding dress, shared our Borrowed T.J. Horst Dresses and she brought some bathing suits.

After the shoot we got some sushi at a New restaurant. New to us and new to the Locals. Oh My Gosh, is it possible that their sushi was better than the Four Star place on our street, that we went to the night we got in? It just might have been. We got carried away. Of course we had been out in the sun for quite some time and knew that when we got back we would have to pack everything for the morning flight, everything. That includes laundry, the equipment and clean up the condo.


  1. very fun. sooooo not a commercial shoot :)

  2. LOL! I know! Sorry (to all) that my text was so scattered. I wrote this blog around 1am! Lol.
