Wednesday, March 30, 2011

~Snowed Out~

You can barely see the snow in this photo but I promise you that it really was coming down hard. So Daddy invited Me and Tommy to go to the Clippers Vs. Indians Game at Hunnington Park. We knew that it was going to be cold but we never guessed that the snow would start coming down hard enough for the Managers to call the game only in the SECOND INNING! Are you kidding me? "There's No Crying In Baseball!", as Hank would say!

We did enjoy what was thankfully two "long" innings! I was never cold but layered up! That's for sure! We got wristbands and watched the game from the upper deck. We ran into four people that we knew. I was so glad that we got a picture of the three of us! I was just sad that the game ended so soon!

Friday, March 25, 2011


This past weekend the "Family-in-Law" came to visit! :) We had a great weekend filled with laughter and adventure!

On Friday when they got here we took a drive downtown. It was fun to show them some more of Columbus that they had not seen. That night we went to Moshi Sushi Bar for sushi with Bob & Vicki. We had a great time. It was a new place, to eat, for all four of us.

We had The Calamari and a White Fish appetizers and over the course of the night, two bottles of wine! We had a great time talking and laughing. The sushi was amazing. We did two rounds and all 8 were types of rolls that we had never had before! My guess is that we will be back to our new found restaurant soon. :)

After dinner we went next door to get Jeni's Ice Cream! Bob and Vicki had never been there before, either. Jeni's is local and very well known. It's defiantly one of the places to go to get a scoop! I had the Lime Cardamom Yogurt - Creamy, light, piquant, heavenly. Organic yogurt, mixed with the Indian spice cardamom, delivers a intensely cool, flavorful taste. A perfect after-dinner selection... or so they say! We had the giggles on the way home! By we, I mean all four of us.
Saturday morning Tommy made us fresh bagels! They were so yummy! While the guys hung out and cooked Vicki and I walked Uptown Westerville. We went to Blue Turtle Tea Shop, Antiquing, Graters for lunch!, Schneider's Bakery and more Antiquing! For lunch I had Caramel Ice Cream. It was perfect!

After Uptown Westerville Vicki and I went to Mom and Dad's House for "Ladies Tea" and talked for a little while. Then we met up with he guys at home and sat down to some Cheese Fondue... Then THE MEAL!!!! Tommy, Bob and Daddy worked so hard on an amazing meal for the six of us! It was grand!

~Daddy was sweet enough to take a picture of all of us~
~Chef Bert, Ready to Dig In~
~Lemon Shrimp, Enchiladas, Cheese Crusted Lamb and Spanish Rice~
Bob got a 2007 Lambert Bridge as a gift and said that he would keep it for a special occasion. He was sweet enough to bring it for the 6 of us to share over dinner! Wow was it amazing! I loved it. I had some of Tommy's and I thought it was the perfect pairing to the meal!!!
~Yes Chef~
Tommy made Gma Polcyn's Flan for the first time! It was so good! Everyone loved it! It was the perfect treat! It was so interesting to watch him make it, Thursday evening. I was not sure how it was made and learned a lot that night! It's not as hard as I thought it would be! I am sure that we will have to make it again sometime soon.

The next morning Tommy and I went to Church. When we got home Tommy made Gma Polcyn's Chicken Noodle Soup! He also made Grilled Cheese with his home made bread! Such a yummy meal! After lunch Bob and Vicki headed home. It was so great to see them and visit for the weekend.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

~Good Day 2 Go 2 Meijer~

We got in from Brittney and Nate's (Monday) and went straight to unpacking, laundry, planning food for this week, etc. While I was planning food for the week I said to Tommy that is was so nice to have the huge bowl of berries there for us when we got to the boat house.

I usually don't buy tons of produce to keep our budget in check. I went to Meijer over my lunch and got a decent amount of fruit and veggies too! I got some Grapes, Apples, Oranges, Strawberries, Zucchini, Cucumber and Green Beans. I was so happy that a lot of the fruit was on sale this week. It aloud me to get more! While I was putting away the grocery cart I actually read the sign above; below. I laughed out loud! For all I know that sign has been there for 10 years but it was new to me.

Then I turn around and the car next to me license plate read this... I laughed out loud again! Tommy and I are big Harry Potter Fans and I thought this was just too good!
It was a "Good Day 2 Go 2 Meijer"!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

~March Girls Night~

Girls Night last night was a lot of fun. Alisha hosted it this month! When I got there we popped open some bubbly and made mimosas. They were made with Raspberry Champagne! Yum! Then Alisha, who was too sweet, cooked us dinner. We had a sweet potato treat that was delish! Then we busted out Disney's SceneIt Board Game and boy was it fun! Some of the questions, we would laugh at so hard because we would be thinking, "What the heck is THAT Disney Movie?". There was a clip of a movie that we both went, "Wow! That's John Cusack"! The question was name the leading lady in this movie and from what movie? WHAT? Turns out it was a wolf named Natty Gann from The Journey of Natty Gann. Ooook! That movie was made before Alisha was even born! Most of the clip questions from the game are Classic Cartoons and Disney Princess Movies. After we played a round (Alisha won) we put in a movie. We watch The Princess Diaries with Ann Hathaway. We laughed when she got her makeover during the movie. We used to think it was such a big deal and that she was so stunning after Larry Miller fixed her up. We laughed because we know Ann now and think, "No! She's Stunning NOW!" I just watched her in Love & Other Drugs with Jake Gyllenhaal and she was such a beauty! She definitely played a new kind of character in that one! Alisha and I had a great time laughing while watching the movie and talking. I am not sure, yet, what we are doing for April Girls Night but I am sure it will be a good one!

~Wedding Weekend~

This past weekend was the first wedding of the season for me as I was not assisting in February. We photographed a couple named Alissa and Jason. Jason and Tommy worked at Cedar Point together for four years; from 2000-2003 - My High School Years! LOL!

We started off our drive out with snacks, new music and sunshine! I couldn't believe how nice it was outside. When we left in the morning it was cloudy and cool. On the way to the wedding we stopped by to visit Aunt Sandy for an hour or so. While we were there I went outside and got a shot of where I should as we said our vows. It really took me back. We also sat outside for a few before Sandy got there. Again, it was so nice out!

Around two we got to the Father of the Bride's Boat House in Sandusky. It was a three story with a really nice size balcony off the master. We were presented with a meat 'n' cheese and fruit plate when we got there. What did we do? Took it out on the balcony and snacked, for lunch, while sun bathing for an hour! I WAS A HAPPY GIRL!~Bedside Lighting at the Boat House~At 3:30pm we got changed and we were off to the Rehearsal at St. Stephens Church. It was there we learned how darn cute the flower girl was; oh my gosh! Afterwords was the Rehearsal Dinner at Sortino's. Baby, it was as Italian as they come! We had such a great time there! The food was amazing, the décor was fun to look at and, I must say, that bathroom artwork was the best part!!! The Dames restroom has this life size poster of a naked man, in a tub, with an “Italian Flag Speedo” on; that included a “What's Behind The Speedo?” handle. So needless to say every lady that goes to the restroom there checks what's behind the flag either before of after washing her hands. The BEST PART is that when you lift it to see... an alarm sounds! Not just in the restroom but in the entire restaurant so that everyone can hear! Guilty!!!

On Saturday we had a 16 hour day. The wedding was nice. We had a lot of fun at the reception. You know that there will be pictures to follow, but for now...

The next morning (Sunday) we went to The KALAHARI!!! That's where we had our reception; it was so much fun to be back! We spent a little over an hour there! Perfect!

We planned on eating at Kaluaville inside the Kalahari and it had been renovated since we were there the last time. It is now called The Reserve. Tommy had a wedge salad (he had been craving one) since only the bridal party had one at the wedding and I had the hummus appetizer!

Of course before that we looked at the Male African Lion, only 7 weeks old. You can get your pictures taken with the babies but it's $38 for a 5x7! Crazy! Our prints are less than that and we don't directly print them; we spend 20 mins finishing each. They only had a lion last weekend but he sure was cute! We check on him a couple of times while we were there but he was napping the whole time. He was sweepy!

~After lunch we went to The Candy Shop~

Over the weekend that we got married mom treated me to get practicably two of everything to share with the bridesmaids! This time, a handful of gummy worms! Tommy and I walked around the two gift shops, then took the gummy worms for the car ride to Brittany & Nate's new place.

Right after we got the tour of the new place we were off to Thorn Creek Winery. The décor was right up my ally. Tommy agreed! I wish I had gotten a photo of the “back yard” at the Winery! It would be so beautiful for weddings!

~We got two flights of Wine & a Cheese Board. I liked the Sauvignon Blanc the best~

After our tastings we went downstairs to the Cellar. Also, would be perfect for a wedding reception. I really hope that we get to photograph there someday. We had a great time visiting and catching up from the last year. We could not believe it but it had been over a year since the four of us had hung out! We can not go that long again. We enjoy their company too much!

~Brittney made us an amazing Salmon Dinner. It was fabulous~

After dinner Brittney had some online class work that she needed to get done. During that time Nate taught us a new board game. It's called Qwirkle and boy was it fun. It took a full round to make sure that we got all the rules and such but it was a fairly easy game and one that you can play while talking, with two people or even six. Tommy and I both liked it. I just might be looking for one for ourselves. It's kind of like dominos and rummy-cube combined.

For dessert we had champagne, chocolate covered strawberries and a pie from Heaven. Brittney made a Bailey's Moose Pie! WOW! It has a Graham Cracker crust, Bailey's, Vanilla Pudding, melted chocolate and more. I was so sad that I forgot to take a picture but I must say that the few times that I forget to do so, it's because it looked so good that I could not wait the 5 seconds it takes to get a photo. I have to get the recipe!

~It think by the end of the night we played three more rounds of Qwirkle~

We had such a great time with Brittney & Nate. We can't wait to hang out again. They are in Aurora, Ohio so I am sure by the end of the summer we will be there again. Sunday was such a great day. I hope that everyone had a great weekend and Tommy and I are really looking forward to next weekend too. No Work, All Play!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

~DJ Party & The Refectory~

Last week Tommy and I went to a work event out in Hilliard. We had not been to that side of town in a while. It got into my summer attire and got all dolled up and ready to go. I knew that we would be hot in the DJ's warehouse and the "after party" location. I had a purple velvet jacket too but I never wore it! Told you that I am ready for Spring! I hate Winter! I surprised Tommy afterwords by telling him we had to to make our reservations at The Refectory! We said our goodbyes, left and made it just in time for our 9pm reservations. I was so excited to go because we had never been there. We received a $50 Gift Card at a Networking Event that we were at a couple of months ago. A little history...

"The Refectory has a long and distinguished history. The building was first used as a church built in the mid 1800s, and assumed its role as Columbus' premier French restaurant in the 1980s. The unique architecture and majesty of the original construction create a relaxed intimate candle lit ambiance. The Refectory presents an unparalleled dining experience that is well-known to wonderfully complement this elegant setting."

We ordered FEUILLETE OF WILD MUSHROOM & RABBIT SAUSAGE with shallot and Brandy saucean along with ROASTED GOAT CHEESE with shallots, beets and olive oil for appetizers. The presentation done for both; amazing! Here's a photo of one. Then I had the MUSSEL SOUP white wine and shallots in a saffron cream for my entree and Tommy had the SAGE BRINED PORK TENDERLOIN roasted and served with a truffle bread budding and sun dried tomato veal sauce.

We must say that the food was very good. We also "must say" that the service was good but a little too hoyte toyte for us. We usually go for the whole package from the food, to the presentation to the service. The Refectory had food and presentation down! The service was a little much. Don't get us wrong, Tommy left to go to the restroom and came back to a pushed in chair and a re-folded napkin! I thought that was a great attention to detail but some of what was done and any and every way that the service staff talked to us was so dramatic!!! Just a little too much for us. Bottom line, food was fantastic, ambiance was stuffy!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

~Scotty McCreery~

Tommy and I tuned into American Idol for a couple of the Auditions this year because they are always funny episodes. Then one night we watched the Top 12 Guys perform; Enter Scotty! Oh My Goodness. He sang a John Michael Montgomery song; one that had never been a favorite of mine. Although, I do usually like JJM. Three words in and I was in love! Tommy and I both like his voice a lot and I would not be surprised if he made it all the way! We just might watch American Idol this year!!! :) We have not really tuned in much the last two years but we will now!

Scotty - You Have Our Vote!

~Auntie M's Lil Boys~

I don't think that I ever updated my Thanksgiving Blog with a picture of my "Fall Gift" to my nephews! This picture is SO CLASSIC of me and the boys! I could have not have gotten, even, this shot without the help of my Sis-in-Law! Notice the hats and baby Justin in the middle! Joshua... always a ham for the camera, John Paul... Not havin' it and Justin crying cause he was hungry! LOL. Oh what a picture!
My friend Valerie made hats for the boys at my request. They are Sock Monkey Hats! I was so excited to give them to the boys at Thanksgiving so they could wear them over the winter. I love this pic of John Paul. It shows the hat a little bit better. Each of them had buttons for eyes and different color lips!

We also got some family photos of them! Love these two!

Bye for Now! Take care! Hope that the weather starts getting better! I am ready for April already! :)

Saturday, March 5, 2011

~Good Friends & A Cinderella Play~

March started out great with a late lunch with Sarah. We met up at Brio at Easton for appetizers around 3. We had such a great time together. She and I went to High School together at Centennial and had not seen her since the year after I graduated.
We had a great time talking about what we have been up to and her sweet baby girl, Abby. I also knew the bar tender there and the three of us talked a lot together also. It was so great to see Sarah and we hope to scrap together soon with Jill.

Hannah was in a play on March 4th at her Middle School at Olentangy Orange. She was so funny in the two mini plays. One was called Why Cinderella Had to Wear Glass Slippers and the second one was called Wolf in Wolf's Clothing. The picture below is from the Courtroom Drama with the Wolves! Lol. Hannah was hysterical as Penny Hennypeck the Chicken. She got to prance around the stage and presented her lines so well. We are so proud of her!
Hannah's friends from Church came on Friday night. They sat behind us and cheered her on the whole time. On Sat night her parents and my parents went to support. I was so glad that so many people came out to see her this year! I really hope she continues theatre in High School.
After the play I gave Hannah her Birthday Presents. She was so excited! I got her a Queen Bee Travel Set! It will be perfect for sleep overs and such into her teenage years! I have the set myself too! We'll be traveling twins!

On Saturday and Sunday Tommy and I spent lots of time with our good friends Rob and Malinda. They popped in from Cincinnati for a visit and the Basketball Game. We met up at their hotel on Saturday night and hung for a few before we went to Alana's for Dinner. We love it there and it was one of R&M's favorite places to eat when they lived here. We all tried each others appitizers; The Duck, Mushroom Pot Pie and Korean Pizza. Then believe it or not we all got he Fillet with the Wasabi Mashed Potatoes.
Desert was amazing as well. Malinda and I got the Grasshopper cake with Salty Caramel Ice Cream! Yum! Tommy got the Flourless Chocolate Cake and Rob got a Berry Cake. We were all sittin' in Heaven!
~After dinner we went to Bar L’étranger and closed 'em up! We ordered a bottle and talked the night away!~
Sunday we did some things downtown and ended up in Bexley for Lunch. Malinda and I got this picture taken together before they headed to the OSU vs Wisconsin Game. We had such a great time visiting!! We often miss them and can't wait to see them again. What a weekend!