Tuesday, March 8, 2011

~Auntie M's Lil Boys~

I don't think that I ever updated my Thanksgiving Blog with a picture of my "Fall Gift" to my nephews! This picture is SO CLASSIC of me and the boys! I could have not have gotten, even, this shot without the help of my Sis-in-Law! Notice the hats and baby Justin in the middle! Joshua... always a ham for the camera, John Paul... Not havin' it and Justin crying cause he was hungry! LOL. Oh what a picture!
My friend Valerie made hats for the boys at my request. They are Sock Monkey Hats! I was so excited to give them to the boys at Thanksgiving so they could wear them over the winter. I love this pic of John Paul. It shows the hat a little bit better. Each of them had buttons for eyes and different color lips!

We also got some family photos of them! Love these two!

Bye for Now! Take care! Hope that the weather starts getting better! I am ready for April already! :)

1 comment:

  1. I love the sock monkey hats!!! Is there a pattern for it somewhere? I want them for all of my kids!!!! They are soooo cute! ~Casey~
