Saturday, March 5, 2011

~Good Friends & A Cinderella Play~

March started out great with a late lunch with Sarah. We met up at Brio at Easton for appetizers around 3. We had such a great time together. She and I went to High School together at Centennial and had not seen her since the year after I graduated.
We had a great time talking about what we have been up to and her sweet baby girl, Abby. I also knew the bar tender there and the three of us talked a lot together also. It was so great to see Sarah and we hope to scrap together soon with Jill.

Hannah was in a play on March 4th at her Middle School at Olentangy Orange. She was so funny in the two mini plays. One was called Why Cinderella Had to Wear Glass Slippers and the second one was called Wolf in Wolf's Clothing. The picture below is from the Courtroom Drama with the Wolves! Lol. Hannah was hysterical as Penny Hennypeck the Chicken. She got to prance around the stage and presented her lines so well. We are so proud of her!
Hannah's friends from Church came on Friday night. They sat behind us and cheered her on the whole time. On Sat night her parents and my parents went to support. I was so glad that so many people came out to see her this year! I really hope she continues theatre in High School.
After the play I gave Hannah her Birthday Presents. She was so excited! I got her a Queen Bee Travel Set! It will be perfect for sleep overs and such into her teenage years! I have the set myself too! We'll be traveling twins!

On Saturday and Sunday Tommy and I spent lots of time with our good friends Rob and Malinda. They popped in from Cincinnati for a visit and the Basketball Game. We met up at their hotel on Saturday night and hung for a few before we went to Alana's for Dinner. We love it there and it was one of R&M's favorite places to eat when they lived here. We all tried each others appitizers; The Duck, Mushroom Pot Pie and Korean Pizza. Then believe it or not we all got he Fillet with the Wasabi Mashed Potatoes.
Desert was amazing as well. Malinda and I got the Grasshopper cake with Salty Caramel Ice Cream! Yum! Tommy got the Flourless Chocolate Cake and Rob got a Berry Cake. We were all sittin' in Heaven!
~After dinner we went to Bar L’étranger and closed 'em up! We ordered a bottle and talked the night away!~
Sunday we did some things downtown and ended up in Bexley for Lunch. Malinda and I got this picture taken together before they headed to the OSU vs Wisconsin Game. We had such a great time visiting!! We often miss them and can't wait to see them again. What a weekend!

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