Tuesday, March 22, 2011

~Good Day 2 Go 2 Meijer~

We got in from Brittney and Nate's (Monday) and went straight to unpacking, laundry, planning food for this week, etc. While I was planning food for the week I said to Tommy that is was so nice to have the huge bowl of berries there for us when we got to the boat house.

I usually don't buy tons of produce to keep our budget in check. I went to Meijer over my lunch and got a decent amount of fruit and veggies too! I got some Grapes, Apples, Oranges, Strawberries, Zucchini, Cucumber and Green Beans. I was so happy that a lot of the fruit was on sale this week. It aloud me to get more! While I was putting away the grocery cart I actually read the sign above; below. I laughed out loud! For all I know that sign has been there for 10 years but it was new to me.

Then I turn around and the car next to me license plate read this... I laughed out loud again! Tommy and I are big Harry Potter Fans and I thought this was just too good!
It was a "Good Day 2 Go 2 Meijer"!

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