Friday, March 25, 2011


This past weekend the "Family-in-Law" came to visit! :) We had a great weekend filled with laughter and adventure!

On Friday when they got here we took a drive downtown. It was fun to show them some more of Columbus that they had not seen. That night we went to Moshi Sushi Bar for sushi with Bob & Vicki. We had a great time. It was a new place, to eat, for all four of us.

We had The Calamari and a White Fish appetizers and over the course of the night, two bottles of wine! We had a great time talking and laughing. The sushi was amazing. We did two rounds and all 8 were types of rolls that we had never had before! My guess is that we will be back to our new found restaurant soon. :)

After dinner we went next door to get Jeni's Ice Cream! Bob and Vicki had never been there before, either. Jeni's is local and very well known. It's defiantly one of the places to go to get a scoop! I had the Lime Cardamom Yogurt - Creamy, light, piquant, heavenly. Organic yogurt, mixed with the Indian spice cardamom, delivers a intensely cool, flavorful taste. A perfect after-dinner selection... or so they say! We had the giggles on the way home! By we, I mean all four of us.
Saturday morning Tommy made us fresh bagels! They were so yummy! While the guys hung out and cooked Vicki and I walked Uptown Westerville. We went to Blue Turtle Tea Shop, Antiquing, Graters for lunch!, Schneider's Bakery and more Antiquing! For lunch I had Caramel Ice Cream. It was perfect!

After Uptown Westerville Vicki and I went to Mom and Dad's House for "Ladies Tea" and talked for a little while. Then we met up with he guys at home and sat down to some Cheese Fondue... Then THE MEAL!!!! Tommy, Bob and Daddy worked so hard on an amazing meal for the six of us! It was grand!

~Daddy was sweet enough to take a picture of all of us~
~Chef Bert, Ready to Dig In~
~Lemon Shrimp, Enchiladas, Cheese Crusted Lamb and Spanish Rice~
Bob got a 2007 Lambert Bridge as a gift and said that he would keep it for a special occasion. He was sweet enough to bring it for the 6 of us to share over dinner! Wow was it amazing! I loved it. I had some of Tommy's and I thought it was the perfect pairing to the meal!!!
~Yes Chef~
Tommy made Gma Polcyn's Flan for the first time! It was so good! Everyone loved it! It was the perfect treat! It was so interesting to watch him make it, Thursday evening. I was not sure how it was made and learned a lot that night! It's not as hard as I thought it would be! I am sure that we will have to make it again sometime soon.

The next morning Tommy and I went to Church. When we got home Tommy made Gma Polcyn's Chicken Noodle Soup! He also made Grilled Cheese with his home made bread! Such a yummy meal! After lunch Bob and Vicki headed home. It was so great to see them and visit for the weekend.

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