Saturday, February 20, 2010

~Alice, Arnold & Sylvester~

So Tommy and I went to Easton today (to see Alice in Wonderland) and "ran into" Sylvester Stallone and Arnold Schwarzenegger! How cool is that. It's a long story but here it goes... (from Tommy)

We had bought our tickets online a few days ago so all we had to do was go to the kiosk to redeem them. Got the tickets, went to get in line, and realized that they were not for the showing in 3D! Kind of defeats the whole reason for going to see it! SO, we went to customer service to have the tickets changed for the next screening in 3D, which ended up being 2 hours later. No worries, we decided to walk around and get something to eat and we would come back. On our way out we spotted a large group of people congregating, so naturally I went to inquire. That's when I saw Sylvester Stallone browsing the News Stand! No more quickly had we figured out who it was that was creating such a ruckus, he and his entourage of security etc. started to head away from the group, before we even had time to take a picture. Knowing that my wonderful wife can handle herself, I ran up and got ahead of Stallone and his crew just in time to snap a blurry picture on my camera phone. He was three feet from me, I said something simple like "Mr. Stallone!" in an enthusiastic yet calm matter as if we had met before or had been friends who hadn't seen each other in years. I extended my hand at the same time he raised his to give a little waive, but instead met my grip and said..."Ehh" in that unmistakable Stallone slur. It was great. =)

He ended up getting in line with Arnold at Graters for some ice cream, all the while scores of people stood around in awe of the Terminator and Rocky standing next to each other enjoying a scoop.

Arnold is in town for the annual Arnold Classic, as I am sure that's the reason Stallone was there too. Schwarzenegger not only has hosted his classic here in Columbus for years, but he also helped fund Easton Town Center's development with Lex Wexner (founder of Limited Brands)

~Gettin' Ice Cream~

~More Ice Cream~

~Taste Testing Some Chocolate~

~The hand that shook Sylvester Stallone's hand! A.k.a = Sylvester's Cooties!~

~The Pack~

~Arnold in the SUV~

~Cheese Plate at Bon Vie~

~Chicken Crapes~

~Eggs B!~

~At AMC~

Finally, Alice in Wonderland!

It came out on Friday and we had to wait til today (Sunday) to see it. I was so excited to not only see it in 3D but the quality of the 3D like AVATAR! I did not realize, when I went online to buy the tickets, that with the Movie Watchers Card the processing fee waved. Cool! Here's what's not so cool, The Movie! I thought that the Casting Director and the Costume Designer did a great job but thought it was kind of slow and not very well written. Tommy is not a fan of Tim Burton's work but I always have been and I think he did a wonderful job with this group, I just wish he had a better script to work with and that there was less "action" and more plot and script. Also not a fan of the way it started, ended or the first 20 minutes in general. Sorry for those of you who do not agree.

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