Sunday, February 14, 2010

"Four Days in Pictures"

I must say the last four days have been sooooo busy for us so... here's our life in pictures! Enjoy!

A dinner from last week!
Jackson is soooooooooo pooped!
Lunch last week. My first Twice Baked Potato! Thanks Rachel!
Tuna with Tim, Ako and Aila (who loved the avocado)!
Swordfish dinner!
Toys for when Aila comes to play!
Mommy and Daddy give her kisses
So Sweet!
Love it
She napped on our bed. So precious!
Who's being silly?
I officially like Slacker!
Made room for some frames and new pix coming soon.....
My Valentines Day Card
He made me BK!
Flowers! Smelllllll soooooooooo goooooooooddddddddddd!

I also had Scrapmania with Jill and Megan on Friday night! ;) We had fun although I was very tired that night. I got some vacations stuff done and some mini projects including pictures of Tommy and myself (just taken last week), some of my mom and grandma in a "generation album" and an 8x8 wedding shadow box! :)

We had the Basket Wrapping party for Amber on Saturday! Wow! This benefit in April is going to be Amazing! We wrapped over 27 baskets and have more items on the way to auction off!

Tonight we had Christmas with my Rents, Hannah and her parents. Daddy was in AZ for 5 wks and Hannah had been busy with school so we celebrated today. We opened gifts, ate soup and Lisa brought amazing pastries for dessert. Yummmmm. I had way to many Belgian Chocolate stuffed Creme Buffs!!!!

Forgot to take pix at all these events! Ooooops! Hope you have a great Monday!

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