Saturday, February 20, 2010


We were in such a need for a mini vacation. So, we took one! My flower girl and her family live in Cincinnati. We went to go see them in October. We waited a year, after they moved, to visit because they bought a house and practically gutted it. When we went at Halloween they had the drywall and floors done and that was about it. It was so much fun to go then because we got to see how far they had come in the last 4 months with the house! Wow! The girls rooms were finished, the main floor toilet was in, the dinning room & e great room are almost complete! They have been working so hard to make it their dream home.

We had the most wonderful time while we were there. We took the kids to the conservatory for a photo shoot, went to breakfast with Malinda and Aiden, played board games, "walked the kids to the bus stop" (end of their driveway), had a lobster dinner together, went shopping for their clothes for the photo shoot and just played!

Rob and Malinda took us out to eat at Daveed's! Tommy and I had been there a couple of times (because they recommended it) but had not been in a while. Oh my... the food!!! Wow!!! If you got on to my facebook page; all of the images from the trip are there. Over 70 pix! Here are a couple of my favorite from our Feb Trip!

We, of course, stopped by Ikea. We were in such a need to go. We only spent like $15 but what we would have payed for the same items, somewhere else would have cost a lot more. We also got cinnamon rolls for Bob and Vicki's visit. Yumm! You'll see that blog soon!

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