Saturday, February 20, 2010

~Random (but Good) Monday~

I did not have the day off but I did not do much New Age Foto today. I worked on some Collections for Prints and a couple other things but mostly I did random things that needed to be done. Busy day but Fun day!

---Woke up to a text message, sent around 10pm last night! My friend Lauren got Engaged!!!! Yeah!!! He proposed last night at the family dinner (her side, they have it monthly).

---Got up at 6am and made a nice big breakfast (spicy pancakes) and took down the studio (in the living room). I also got my emails done and random house items.
---I chopped and sauteed 12 onions for Onion Dip, Onion Dip Pizza and French Onion Soup for us, Amber and my rents.

---Got so excited when Erica sent me two pix of Ella wearing the Onesie I made her!

---Had daddy over for lunch to eat Onion Dip Pizza with us! Yummmmy! Get's better every time that I make it. It was nice to sit and talk!
---Napped from 1:30 to 4:15! Hallelujah!!!
---Made Rachel Ray's Twice Baked Potatoes for Dinner, again, So Good!

---We have Tommy's rents in town this weekend so I got my office ready for them to stay in. I'm not gonna lie it was getting a lil messy!
---Finished Editing this Hot Pic of Tommy! ;) Yumm! I mean...

---Went to Amber's to visit and take 5 gourmet meals for her to eat though out the week. She was so excited and the baby is doing well. He was sleeping in her arms the whole time we were there. ;)
---Shopped at Meijer, Home Depot and dropped off checks at the bank around 9pm. Did all of this with Tommy! Call it a date night if you will! lol!
---Going to go watch Time Traveler's Wife with Tommy. We also rented "9"!

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