Saturday, February 20, 2010

~Calling all Seniors~

Once again, what a day! Today we had two sessions for New Age Foto. They were both in for senior sessions. We were going to shoot outside but the weather was really bad so we ended up shooting them in the living room of our home. We had such a great time with both of them. They each brought tons of outfit changes and accessorizes. Check'em out!

This set of pictures are of Djenab she is South African and Chinese. Such a beauty. We met her through Tim, Ako and Aila. She is a Jr. at Thomas Worthington High School. We had so much fun playing around with lighting for her.

~my fav of d~

These photos are of Abby. She is the little sister of one of my bridesmaids. You might recognize her because she did a session in the fall. She wants photos done four times over the course of her Sr year at Centennial (where I went to school). She got so into it again! See below!

~my fav of abby~

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