Tuesday, June 8, 2010

~Chicago, The Last Day~

Meredith: Since we slept in we decided to go out to breakfast. Tommy and I love the Original Pancake House. He grew up a mile from one and I got hooked after we got married and he took me there for the first time. We were so happy to find that there was one right across the street from the Chicago Zoo that we were going to. I had my usual, Chocolate Chip Pancakes. Tommy had his; 49er Flap Jacks! Our server was great. It was really funny and took real good care of us. So glad that we went! Man I wish we had one in Columbus, although our eating out budget would have to go way up! Lol.

Hannah: In the morning of our last day we slept in and it was totally nice, missed breakfast and went to The Original Pancake House. Bacon Pancakes are a very good thing.

Our new Sunglasses!

Meredith: Once again we budgeted money for the Lincoln Park Zoo and it was Free. Not just this week, all the time it's a Free one. Works for me! We had a great time (and workout) walking around. The bolted to the gift shop, our first goal then we were off to our second goal for the Zoo, the Ostriches! I guess our goals were the other way around but we passed the Gift Shop on the way to “Africa”!

Hannah: We accepted a new member into our family, lil baby Teresa! I bought her at the Lincoln Park Zoo Gift Shop along with every other Ostrich item that they had in the store, No Joke! Did I mention that I have an unhealthy passion for them! They don't have them at the Columbus Zoo but they do at the LPZ! I don't even know where to start... I love Ostriches. They are drop dead gorgeous creatures! Their necks more in snake-like motions which is totally fascinating. There were two of these beauties there. I wanted to jump in the exhibit, give them hugs and kisses and ride them. We saw other animals too but none of them compared to the ostriches. I took like a million pix at the zoo. I ended the Chicago trip in the best way possible; I rode an Ostrich... on the carousel! It was so worth the $2.75 to ride it!

Meredith: On our way home we BLOGGED! No joke! We wrote all that you have read! We did stop at a Dairy Queen and got some sweets! I got a Malt and Hannah got a Blizzard. The trip was amazing. I can not believe it is over now! Can we go again next week. Maybe a different city? No, back to Chicago!!!!! I want to shop more, find some new places to eat (including more pizza) and go back to the pier and walk it again. Plus so much more! How about now?

Hannah: Bob, Marvin and Teresa totally got to know each other on the 6hr car ride home. Marvin said it's as if they were manufactured together. Bob said he knows they are going to be great friends and Teresa said she loves having friends that she can tell apart cause all the other ostriches at the gift shop looked the same as her. Comfy bed, radio, here I come! We're almost Home!

You can see the pencil holder I got in Chicago in the top left corner of the pic below. I put all of my Chicago pencils inside it. The Pier, The Lincoln Park Zoo, Aquarium and a I Hear Chicago. My collection has come a long way since 1991!

When we got home (after dropping off Hannah) at 2am there was a bag from Jill. She was sweet enough to bring it over and take out the trash. Inside with the coupons and magazines was this! Boy did I smile... I love it! Way too cute!

This was the bracelt that Tommy got me at the Akita Store that we both ended up at in Chicago. I got the dress and he bought me this and the set below. I opened them the morning after we got home. It made me feel so special to know that he was thinking of me when he was visiting his cousins and I was off with Hannah! :)

I can not wait to go back to Chicago someday. Hopefully sooner than later! We all three really had a lot of fun! Traffic would have been my only complaint... besides the hotel room but that's the Residents Inn fault! Hope you get to visit someday. Make sure to make it to the American Girl Doll Store and the Lincoln Park Zoo! Till Next time...

~The End~

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