Saturday, June 26, 2010

~Grasshoppers Galore~

Little Grasshoppers all taking over my garden. I guess it's ok. They have not ruined anything. Everywhere I look, there's another one. This lil guy is on the Green Pepper plant. It's our first time with them. Check out what else is growing!
My lil marigold in it's birdcage case!
I started tomatoes this year, from a seed. I am quite pleased. It's almost 3 and a 1/2 feet tall and producing little tomatoes (on their way) all over the plant!! We are not going to know what to do with all of them.
The first Strawberry of the Season, it was yummy! lol.

My first time with Banana Bell Peppers. They are getting so big but they're not ready to pic yet!
Tommy and I got green and red peppers this year. We have never grown them before but buy them from Meijer all the time so figured this year, was the year to try. So far, so good!
This is one of my little jalapeno pepper plants. I have three little ones, producing little minis and one large one that's taking over the bucket.
Hello Mini
My jalapeno peppers are getting really big. I have never grown them before and so happy that I have. Spicy Sloppy Joes are in the works soon. I send daddy home with one to try the other day and he said it was the hottest ever! He said two of the five bites of it were so hot that my eyes were watering. Oh goodness, I'm kind of scared to try them.
Our basil is acting crazy this summer. One day it looks like it's going to die and the next it looks great. It's been repeating this all summer long. Either way, today it looked great!
This is kind of funny. You've heard about the Cilantro, over taking the whole bucket it's in. Well now some leaves from it have fallen off and replanted themselves. I know have a second stock of it growing, anyone need any cilantro, you let me know.
Yet another Grasshopper on one of my plants, red pepper to be exact. I was surprised that they didn't hop away while I was "up in their faces" with my lil camera. Hopefully the peppers and tomatoes will be ready to eat soon. :)

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