Tuesday, June 8, 2010

~Summer Activities & Festivities~

Fashion: Luxboheme had a VIP Party on Wednesday. It was the Official Opening of her new store/location. We are so happy for her. It's about 8 times the size of the old suite. We really had a blast. Tommy and I got all decked out! I wore my new dress that I bought in Chicago with the bracelet that Tommy bought me and a couple of other bangles. Tommy wore his new t-shirt from Luxboheme.com. We saw many friends there from the Museum (when we volunteered) and new friends that we met though Priscilla. The food was great, the drinks were wonderful and the company was fab! :)
~Priscilla & Tommy~
Tommy and I also got a couple of new items that night! He got a V-neck tee in black. I got a bunch of bangles and a new short sleeve robe. I have a long sleeve on that my mother-in-law got me and in the summer it's too worm. I saw that Lux had a short sleeve one and I was on it! :) Scrapping: Once a month on a Friday night Jill and I get together and scrapbook at Archivers. This month, June, was slammed so we picked a Thursday to go. Boy did we have a lot of fun, laughs; giggles. I had been taking her girls to Locker Soccer for the week and of course I, also, had stories to tell (Locker Soccer Blog to follow)! Making Dinner: We were out shooting an engagement shoot last Friday night and Tommy said, "I wanna make you dinner tonight! How about Tuna?" Works for me! We went to Meijer after we were done down town and picked up a bottle of wine and sat out on our "newly arranged" patio. Tommy cleaned and rearranged it the night before while I was at Archivers with Jill. Later Tommy made this amazing dish; Seared Ahi Tuna, sauteed Shitake, Avocado and Jasmine Rice, with Horsin Mayo Sauce. Wow! I want him to make it again tomorrow!
You might not know (or remember) what the patio looked like before but this is the new "look". Believe it or not on Sat night I blew up the air mattress, got out some of the camping stuff and the "take home" S more's desert from Due Amici and we camped out on the back patio. It was so much fun that we did it again last night. Two nights in a row, falling asleep to a big thunderstorm. Actually, there was an all lightning show outside on Sat night. I had never seen anything like it in my life. The whole sky would light up behind the clouds because of huge lightning bolts, as many as 4 striking at the same time. It was crazy to watch. We just stood at the front window for over 10 minutes in amazement.

~The New Patio~

~Camping Time~

~The End~

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