Tuesday, June 8, 2010

~June Adventures~

June so far has been super busy. Along with work, traveling and "Summer Cleaning" we've been on a couple of other mini adventures. So each of us have been fairly frugal about clothes shopping. A few nice items here and there but for the most part. 80% Off rack and Kohls is where Tommy and I live! lol. This summer we looked in our closet and said, "Money for regular priced items; this summer?" lol. Agreed. I got a clothing from at least 5 different stores while I was shopping with my mom last month. Tommy still went to Kohls and this is what he ended up with in the dressing room. There was even mores stuff hanging on the door and by the mirror. I had to go in and get a picture of it. He totally beats my record! This past week we went through the drive thru at Wendy's to get Kids Burgers to tide us over before dinner. As we were waiting for the cashier to charge $1.96 on Tommy's dept card (haha) he asked the guy, "Are those really your freezers... outside?" Sure enough yes. Ok that's just weird. He went on to explain that one is for fries, one is for buns and I forget the third but right next to the dumpster, outside? Really? Wow! Last week Tommy and I took a half day and went to Polaris together. It was great to just be out on a weekend (like the 9-5ers) and enjoy the sun and such. Usually when we got out it's 10am on a week day and no one is out. It was a little crowded but worked for us... made us feel normal. lol. While we were in one of the kitchen stores I saw this... Jill, this one's for you. Jill and Marvin make "Beer Chicken" (correct name?) a lot. All ya gotta do is stick beer can up the chicken and throw it on the grill with a little wire to get it to stay upright. This little do-hickie costs over $30. Are you for real? Does it make it taste any better? PS: See anything wrong with this window display? I'm just saying!


After walking around for a while we decided to go out to eat, somewhere new. We went to Benihana. It's on the out door part of the Mall. Amazing! We were both very impressed. Great first experience. We had a table to our selves and Tommy ordered hibachi. So fun! Our guy was great. He tossed around his knives and made putting the entire meal together look like fun to do. I had sushi and wow was I happy. We just might end up at Benihana on my birthday! When I was little our family started the tradition of taking a list of the 50 states on paper and trying to find a licence plate of each by either the end of one summer trip so just keeping one in the truck for the year. We still play. So does Jill! Well here it goes.... So you really can't tell but the white truck plate IS Alaska. I took a pic to prove it but you really can't see it! lol. NO JOKE! The next day I saw this in front of me on my way to Meijer! OMG! Hawaii! Sorry Jill! I love you! :) When I got home I showed Tommy this on my camera. He didn't believe me that it was real because we just saw Alaska the day before while out together. He even asked me if the picture I took was of my computer screen with an open window of a Hawaii plate! No Tommy! I also saw this at a red light last week. I pulled up and zoomed in to take the pic and the people in front of me were kind of worried. Oops! I waved and they waved back with relief the probably figured we've got a bull dog too!

So long story short. Tommy and I had to take the truck in, in relation to the security system, and it was going to cost $510.00 to get fixed. We couldn't even turn the key over until it was fixed. We sat on it and prayed for a couple of days on what to do. That's still a lot of money. Two days later Tommy bought a $10.00 lotto ticket and ever single number on their was a winning number and our findings were exactly $500.00! God Is Amazing! We took this fun pic because we knew the money would be "out of our hands" right away! lol.
I finally got to meet baby Jackson (Allie McCalla's baby) last week, although he was only a few days old... I had been waiting the whole pregnancy to meet this lil guy. I am so happy that they named his Jackson. Izzie wasn't at the house when I came by and I was sad that I missed her but I got to hold Jackson and visit with Allie for a little while. He's so tiny. I really hope that they send Matt home soon. He's still in Iraq waiting to get home to meet his son. Tommy and I went to a Clippers game with Daddy and there was a little water boy! He's whole job was to keep the Umps happy. Never took water to anyone else but the one ump toward left field. The lil boy was cracking me up. He'd run out there and doddle around while the ump drank his water as if he was a dizzy one year old still learning how to walk and then as soon at the umpire was done drinking the lil kid went into soldier mode, "Sir, yes sir! I will take your cup, bow to you to say 'you are welcome' and run as fast as I can, in a perfectly straight line back into the dug out!" lol! The Clippers game was filled with non stop action but the Red Wings outlasted the Clippers! I really did mean non stop action... there were 19 runs in the game! :)

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