Wednesday, July 14, 2010

~Burger's, Bracelets and "Boo"~

These are some lil events and such for the last couple of weeks but they are all out of order. Oh well. But last Saturday Tommy and I photographed an old friends wedding. The bride and groom went to The Dive (our College Church group) and it was great to see them again. It was a beautiful wedding. It was so much fun to walk into the room where the girls were getting ready and know most of the bridesmaids too. Toward the end of the reception most of the girls got together for a picture.

Burgers are so Yummy! Especially the ones that Tommy make! So a couple of years ago (for Christmas) I got Tommy Build a Better Burger by James McNair. This is a BLT Burger with a little something extra; blue cheese spread and caramelized onions. I think he had made this one once before but wow! He made six of them and the 2nd night we ate them we took them over to my rents for them to try. Also very happy people by the end of the meal! He's making his way though the book and I am one happy girl.

One day last week I was driving home and when I pulled up to the gate I took this shot! Reminding me to take a second and thank God for the day!
After the Wedding last Saturday Tommy and I went to Bistro on Main. We used to go there for dates in '06-'07. It's located in Kent. We were so tired after the wedding that we ordered an app to split; couldn't eat much of it and had brief periods where we weren't' even talking and didn't notice it until one of us zoned back in! It was kind of funny looking back on it. It was still really nice to go back though. We sat at the same table that we sat at the very first time we went there together.
On Sunday Jill and I took the girls shopping. We went to a couple of stores on the other side of town including "Tuesday Morning". Audrey wanted to try on my bangles, how cute?
The girls were cracking me up while they were ridding around in the shopping cart. They found a pair of Sponge Bob P.J.'s and were fighting over who was going to get to take them home and wear them that night... the P.J.'s were from the Mens Department. LOL!
When we were at Tuesday Morning we saw this lil Indians car. Can you believe they make these. It was big enough even Brookie could of driven it! Too fun!
They both got some new Silly Bands! And guess who shared with me? Yep! I went home my first Silly Bands!

Last week on my away post on FB I wrote that I was craving something. Jill asked what it was. It was a Cheese Burger and Frosty from Wendy's! Jill asked me if I ever got to go. I said no and we were off to Wendy's! She spoiled me! :P
At JoAnn's Audrey got a Clarence Flamingo for $2. On the way home, Brooke hit her with it! Oh Dear!!!

Uncle Brian (Polcyn) was a guest on Anthony Bourdain's "No Reservations" last week! It was really really fun to watch. It was also really cool to tell people about it and having people calling me and texting me the next day saying, “I saw it!”, “I watched it!” Uncle Brian even peeled the skin off a deer by ropin' it to an ATV and pullin'! Yea!

We had a much needed "Sushi Night In"!
"Guess Who?" Tommy! We were making the bed (duvet) and Tommy did, well, this!

Tuesday night we went to “Movie's by Moonlight” at Easton. I think we ended up with at least 12 people there, all hanging out together watching Where the Wild Things Are. Tommy liked it. I was not a fan, although I was also not a fan of the book when I was little. I think they did a good job with it but I was either bored or annoyed with the characters the entire time.

We had some good times in the last week or two. :) Can you believe that we also had three weddings in the mix in the last 8 days? Wow. More blogs to come!

1 comment:

  1. can you email me the pic of the girls in the shopping cart? too funny!
