Tuesday, July 27, 2010

~A Toast to Bob~

I'm behind in blogging but this one's for my Father in Law Bob! Tommy made some pizza dough from scratch and we picked out how to top them, together. Then he made a Margarita Pizza from our Crate and Barrel Pizza Book, some homemade pizza sauce of his own and Pizza al Forno with Mushrooms, Gorgonzola,and Radicchio from that Wood Burning Book I got him for his birthday. He did such an amazing job. We prepped and took all of the ingredient sover to my rents house and had dinner together. Tommy grilled the pizza's out on the pizza stone that had been pre heating for at least 30 minutes. After putting the first pizza on (Pizza al Forno) he added some sprigs of rosemary, that had been soaking in water, wow!

Pizza al Forno

The Happy Eaters!
Margarita Pizza
We only used half the dough, so the next day Tommy came up with something new, to use it up! A new creation, use the rest of the homemade sause and add some mozzarella to Bob's smoked Salmon.


The next time Bob and Vicki come we will have to make it again. It was so amazing. One of my favorites of the year! Thanks again Bob and Vicki for always sending us home with Salmon.

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