Thursday, July 29, 2010

~I Went to Woodstock~

Tommy and I have a friend named Andy. He performs at Shadowbox. Andy and the Gang, added 60 new performers signed on to do a One Time Show (outside) at Schiller Park in German Village of Woodstock: Back to the Garden. Tommy and Daddy saw it at Shadowbox back in the Spring. It was so much fun to take out blankets, chairs and food and hang out for the show to start. Everyone did such an amazing job. The music, acting and dancing was just as great as always and you could tell that they were all having fun performing.

I made my Cheesecake for everyone and daddy, especially loved it!
My Theatre Teacher for High School and a sweet teacher at Centennial who was new my Junior year were there to see Andy perform too. It was so great to see them and hang out for a few.
Daddy's Smile! :)

Andy playing with one of the kid performers!
Matt also is a CHS Alumni but he graduated when I was like 6. Daddy was happy to see him!
The rest of the pictures are from the performance. The cast did such a wonderful job! Enjoy!

I hope that Shadow brings more live shows to S. Park. I would love to make it a summer tradition!

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