Sunday, July 18, 2010

~Surf's Up~

Tommy and I picked up the girls on Tuesday evening to go to "Movies By Moonlight" at Easton. Jill was traveling and Marvin had a softball game so we babysat. You take chairs or blankets and set up shop for an outdoor movie where the fountain/sprinklers usually are at the mall.

Brooke was about to loose her tooth and guess what a couple nights later, she did! Here she is showing it to me in the car on the way to Easton.
The Whole Way There the girls were telling Knock Knock jokes. The less they made sense the louder we laughed!

The girls wanted to see the train at Easton so we walked all the way around it, every 5 steps stopping and observing it from the angle we were at. Lol.
Then we went to Barnes & Noble to kill some time before the movie started. I guess the theme of the day was trains. They played for quite a while. There was a little 15 month old that was playing next to Audrey. Oh Boy! We had a couple little flirty fights!

In the kids section is another mini section with animals. The girls we all about playing with them especially Audrey. They had Sesame Street, Wonder Pets and Dora to play with.
"Is this a Library?" asked Brooke! Cutest question ever!
I was trying to get the girls to leave so that we could watch the movie. Brooke was so excited but Audrey on the other hand, "I NEED to play with this before we go!"... "I NEED to look at this book first!" "I NEED to read this now!" She was cracking me up. Here is one of the books that she needed to look at!
We finally left to go down stairs, outside and across the street to the outdoor movie!

We saw the movies Surf's Up! It stared Shia LaBeouf, Jeff Bridges, Zooey Deschanel and Jon Heder from Napoleon Dynamite. The girls loved the BIG OUTDOOR SCREEN and were so excited to stand next to it and look up. We also ran into Amber. She was there with her oldest son Marco. They were having a Mother/Son Date!

Brookie was being so giggly in the chair because she was excited that she got to use one of "Meredith's Chairs"! Yeah!
On the way to Easton the girls kept asking if they could play in "The Red Thing that people call you from!" It was so cute in the car but I had to tell the girls that it wasn't there anymore. When we got there they spotted it and wanted to run over there sooo fast. I guess that they moved it cause it's not where it used to be. Tommy took the girls over to play and got some cute pix of them.

I love A-Dub's face in this photo. It cracks me up! But, here we are all ready for the movie to start. Of course we bring blankets, make sure the girls have long sleeve jackets with them, I buy myself a Hot Chocolate for a treat and the temp never dropped while we were there. We were sooo hot!

Audrey is so mesmerized by the big screen!
Audrey with her thinking pose while sitting on my lap. Too funny.
The girls were sooooooooooo excited to find out that daddy surprised them by picking them up to go home. While he pulled the car around the girls sat in the back of the truck to wait for him. They don't look happy at all! :)

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