Monday, July 26, 2010

~A Wendorf Week~

Tuesday I took the girls to there first day of "Little Gym". This weeks theme was The Circus. They had such a great time. Audrey was covered for the class as another way of having fun though Physical Therapy for her Cerebral Palsy. Of course she wanted Brooke to be there with her. :)

I picked them up at day care around 9am and they were so exited to see me! They asked me where we were going? Surprise!
TLG is located at Polaris. I love this shot!

Sissy Time is the Best Time! They were inseprable the whole day. Audrey wanted to do EVERYTHING that Brooke was going to do. It was too cute! See...

This trio of girls were also inseparable as soon as the third made it to class. She was also an Audrey. Brooke and Audrey thought it was so cool that there was another Audrey there. Audrey #2 is 6 1/2 and has a brother named Jackson. Everytime that Audrey #2 said something about her brother, Audrey #1 would ask, "Where's Jackson?" with a smile. I must have told her three times that my puppy Jackson "not here"!

They had an air machine at TLG. One that the kids could sit on as it was being filled up! It was in the shape of a long rectangle. Then they would run across, get off, run around to the front and do it again.

They played Hide 'n' Go Seek today. The kids had three rounds to play. Each round they were supposed to find a new place to hide.
I see little feet!
The second round the girls hid together in the ring. I love this shot I got of them.
The teacher found them, oh no!
They loved their day at TLG. They were back on Thursday for a second class. They had so much fun. On Wednesday I watched the girls in the evening so Marvin and Jill could go see Inception with Leonardo DiCaprio, Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Ellen Page. I love all three of them and can not wait to see it!!! Every single person I have talked to about has said that they looooooooooved it and everyone is posting about it on Facebook. We are hoping to go with my parents soon. When Marvin and Jill got home they said to see it! Can't wait!

The girls wanted to go to the park after dinner. I was going to walk while they rode their bikes. We were on our way and they started! Brooke would say, “Ride beside me! Don't go ahead of me! Stay with me! Audrey's ahead of MEEEEEEEEE!” Then Audrey would say, “Ride beside me! Don't go ahead of me! Stay with me! Brookie's ahead of MEEEEEEEEE!”. Buy the time we got there I was tired! LOL. They were great at the park. Thank goodness I was able to get some cute pictures!

On the way home they started again and ended at the end of the bridge with Audrey running into Brooke hard enough for her bike to fall over. Brooke started whaling. At this point we had a talk. From that point on, for the rest of the night, they were perfect.

When we got home we got water and sat at the table. While I was getting water Audrey looked up at me and said joking, “You're taking too much water!”.

After our drinks I gave them a bubble bath! They were being so silly in the tub. Audrey was taking the water cup and dumping it on Brooke after telling her, “Giving me your butt!”. Repeatedly. After the 15th time we played with the body paints and got our hair and bodies washed.

Toward the end of bath the girls were asking if they could have a P.J. Party. I said yes. So they got their jamies on and brushed their teeth. We all got into Brookie's bed and I did their hair.

Then we read three stories. One of the books, that they have, is called The House That Jill Built. It was so fitting after my last blog and Miranda's single. I told the girls that if they wanted to go to Little Gym the next day that they needed to be quiet and go to sleep. They were out in less then 5 minutes.

Thursday I took the girls to their second (and sadly final day) of "Lil Gym"! They had so much fun. Once again I picked them up at Day Care in Westerville and took them to Polaris where it was located. As soon as we pulled up they knew where we were. They got so excited. On the way to TLG the girls were cracking me up. I got them buckled in and Audrey was asking me if she could ride without her seat buckled. I explained to her why that was not an option. It was so funny. She told me, “Fiiiiiiiiiine!” Then she busted out laughing.

During TLG the kids participated in a game that was like ring toss. They took Hula hoops and numbered, inside the circles, a point system. A 5,10, 20, 25, 30, 40 and 50! The kids stood on a mark and got three bing bags to toss. Brookie one with the most points in the “Girls Division”! She got a sticker for winning! Yeah Go Brooke! Audrey did really well too. She got two 5's and a 10! It was so cute to watch them. They are both so hand eye coordinated!

For snack they all had pretzels. During snack time all of the kids were asking “Is this broken?”! It was cracking all of the the teachers up. They would break their pretzels, hold them together like it was in tact and then asking friends, “Is this broken?” The video is cute.

In the evening I met up with Jill at Archivers for Scrapbooking. We had such a great time, as usual; talking and laughing! We went to Trader Joe's for Dinner and I got Lobster Stuffed Ravioli. I had not tried it before and really like it. Just might get it again.
I took all of my Chicago pictures and such and scraped away. I was so thrilled to have one big project to work on the whole time I was there. I only got 8 pages done but they took my time on them and I think that they look very good. Here's one of my favorite pix of me and Hannah in Chicago and then a couple of my pages.


  1. thanks for doing this. the girls looked like that had such a great time with you. i always feel like i don't miss a thing when you take them. thanks for being a wendorf last week. hope you enjoyed it.
