Thursday, July 8, 2010

~NAF July Work (Pt 2)~

Brittany and Zak! I loved the dress she picked out to wear. Her jewelry she had on with her white top was cool too. She told me that she wanted a locket for the session and walked right past one in a store window and said, “That's it! I'm buying that one!” They are getting married soon, so wedding photos aren't far behind.

Holly and Brian are getting married next year. They live in Florida now while he is doing his Fellowship. They think they will in end up back in Columbus but for now they came for a “visit” to go their engagement photos. Such a great couple. I love them both; so sweet and so kind.

Alana is the sister of Erica, Erica has little Ella and we photographed Ella at 4 weeks and 3 months. Erica referred her sister to us for her Senior pix. We were honored to book her. She came in from PA to have us take them. She's such a week girl and I love her style.

Rita and Brian had a gorgeous wedding in a beautiful church with an amazingly lit reception. WOW! I try to only pic four or five pictures for our family blog but that's not going to work for this wedding. Most of the decor, the dresses and colors were not my style but Rita knew what she was doing when she planned her day. Everything she picked out went together perfectly. I love the shoe shot, the first pic of just her, heck; I love them all. Want to see more? Here's the Facebook link!


  1. Very cool Meredith. The last wedding photos looked like she was the Belle of the ball and made me want to have another wedding! loved the shoes...can you see me wearing those to work? ha . Soooo glad the title didn't say 4 weddings and a funeral :)

  2. LOL! you are too sweet and too funny. i am also so happy that the fourth was a sr. lol.
