Thursday, July 8, 2010

~NAF July Work (Pt 1)~

There will be a blog soon of 4-6 of my favorites from each session and/or weddings in July (so far). This session, I couldn't just pick 4-6! They are friends with Ako and Tim, live in New Mexico and were here for a visit so they booked us. Dad is Ryan and Mom is Gina and they have an 18 month old (Sienna) and 3 yr (Xavier). We had a photo shoot with them and the next day we went to the Columbus Zoo with them too in a group of 10! After spending two days with them I can honestly say I wish they lived closer.

Sienna loved dancing for us. She kept clapping and running around in circles. It was so cute!

This pic cracks me up because I know what was going on while it was being taken. Lil sis wanted to sit by big brother. Big brother said, "Um No!" and kept sliding down the steps to get away from her. lol. Then he was told that he had to sit next to her and smile. This was the "fake" but oh so cute smile we got out of him. Of course hers is a real smile because Big Bother finally sat next to her!

Love this one of the two of them! So Fun!
Mommy and daddy getting a shot together!