Thursday, September 10, 2009

~The 20th - 27th Fun~

20th - Today my friends Emerald though a Lingerie Party for her sister - in - law, Christy. We had a blast. The decor was so elegant and so was Christy. We had so much fun playing games, laughing, checking our each others prizes, sipping on punch, eating cupcakes, watching Christy opening her gifts (talking about what C opened) and of course dishing about marriage. One of the games we played was "Find David!" Each balloon had a name (on paper) in it. We all rushed to pop them and find the sheet with Davids name, NOT Brad Pitt, Robert Pattinson, etc. It was such a cute idea for a game.

~Here is Christy (the Bride to be) before we tackled all the balloons!~

~The Beautiful Group of Ladies~

~On a sad note, this is what Tommy and I came home to after Church and visiting my parents house (family intown). BAD DOG! I don't even want to think about what it will cost to replace it! Again, BAD DOG!~

21st - Lauren Hitchcock and I go way back, 3rd grade to be exact. I felt like it had been forever since we got together. Tommy and I have been so busy this summer. We decided to have a girls night. Although Tommy joined us, he just can't get away from the lovely ladies. We watched Step Up and had Mango Martini's. It was great to talk and set dates for some movie nights!

~Lauren & Me~

22nd - Long story, Tommy and I ended up working LATE! More than our usual 10pm! At least we got work done! It's all worth it for our customers! We love ya all!

23rd - Sadly, Tommy and I attended a viewing and funeral this evening. It was a friend of my moms. We left for Grandview Heights right after and early dinner and got home around 9:30pm. We were glad that we were able to be there for Travis' family. Travis and I have know each other since I was born, considering he is one year older than me. He's in the air force and came in from Tuscan on Tuesday. Our hearts go out to everyone that was close to Charles.

24th - Tonight was date night! Best part about date night, this week, my choice! :) We went to Bed Bath and Beyond. I needed at Travel Coffee mug. I got one where the proceeds benefit Brest Cancer Awareness. After BB&B we took a drive though Gahanna. It was so nice out. We made our rounds through a couple of neighboorhoods and came accross one for sale. We saw that owner out side and she said we could have a tour if we wanted! YES! The land that this house sat on was amazing. 1.7 acers, open area yard, wooded area, big pool, hug porch! Wow! Her friends came over (while we were leaving) to cook her dinner. The five of us talked in the kitchen for a while about the school we all went to and the "art related" degree's we have. Too Fun! After we had a nice sushi dinner together. We got the Easton Roll and the Buckeye Roll again.

~This was the app we had~

25th - Today daddy and I went to Cleveland! We made it a little afternoon trip because my friend Clarissa was being featured in an art show down the road from the stadium. Daddy and I got to the show when it started, around 5pm. It was held at Kalman and Papst's studio. Her work was amazing! She is so very talented. The entire studio was full of amazing photographs along with some other medias. I purchased a couple of greeting cards and many raffle tickets toward an Onion framed Photograph.

~We made a pit stop at Wendy's! Daddy made me laugh so hard when he opened his "Jr." Cheese Burger... "White Castle's are bigger than that!" He had not seen the "new size". I can not believe it. The new "Jr.'s" really are just a kids size burger. Not right!~
~I loved the Program from the Evening~

~The Entertainment at
Kalman and Papst's~
~The Wall of Fun~
~Me & Clarissa! Love her Dress~
~One of the peices I really liked~
~One of many of Clarissa's Works of Art, Amazing~
~One of cards I bought~
~The other one~
~The Onion Piece I liked and bough Raffle Tickets, didn't win!~

After the show we went to the Indians game. We Won! Part of the reason we went is because we played the Oriole's. My Uncle David works for them as a Bench Coach. We got to chat with him for a little bit. It has been a long time sense I have seen him, and the family. Daddy saw him in Detroit a month ago. I feel like it had been forever for me. David of course has busy summer's like Tommy and I do.

~Our Veiw durring the game~~Hot Dog Race~
~Last batter of the game~
~David, Daddy & Me~
~Sing - a - Long Fireworks Show~
~Most Amazing Show Ever~

26th - Today / Tonight Tommy and I shot another wedding together. The Bride and Groom, JoAnna and Stephen, were so sweet. He is from England. Oh, how I miss Europe. I had the most wonderful time talking with his parents, toward the end of the night. We sat together for at least 10 minutes talking about Traveling and Children. JoAnna and Stephen had a beautiful wedding at a church not far from the Columbus Museum of Art. Their reception was held at Derby Court. Tommy and I went through the Chihuly Exhibit before we left. So amazing. You must see his work.

~The Happy Couple~

27th - Today was quite a Sunday. I cooked two new meals from Rachel Ray's October Magazine, Lemon Crusted Chicken and B, L or D Succotash. My mom was over at the house about 10 minutes before I finished the Chicken Meal. I sent her home with half of each of them, following the 6 meals I sent home on Tuesday. More Pix will be added later, her's on to hold ya over! lol.


Mom got to our house about 1:45pm. I babysat for Brooke and Audrey at 2pm. Our evening was filled of played dress up and "Sunday Evening Gymnastics". Brooke told me many times all about the "Magic Lady"! I am still not sure who she was talking about but it was so cute. Also when we were waving goodbye to Tommy she asked me, "Do you even know how to get to MY gymnastics, anyway?". At one point when we were playing hide and go seek Brooke was behind the chair (next to the bedroom door). I found Brooke and suggested, "Let's go find Audrey now!" Audrey opened the bedroom door and standing less than two feet away from us said, "Tell Brookie I'm in here!" lol!

~A Princess who "Buy's Things"~
~A Rock Star~
~A Rock Star too! Brooke took this, such a good photographer~

~So Freakin' Cute~

~"Take these off of me"~

~"Mer-duh! Do you like me shoes?"~
~I want to buy my sunglasses with my credit card!~

~Just a Fun Pic of the Dress Up Clothes~

I can not believe that I almost forgot! Tommy spent this Sunday perfecting bagels! Not just any bagels but like the ones that Mrs. Hutchenruether used to sell us on Fridays at Eisenhower Elementary back in 4th and 5th grade. They too had a firm crust, with a dense and chewy inside.Tommy says that the flavor and texture of them were so incredible. They are "New York" style bagels. Though, as with all things yeast related, flavors can vary widely depending on where the dough is made due to the environment it is made in. Humidity, water, temperature, even the natural bacteria in the air all play a role in the forming of dough. You can find this recipe and others in Rose Levy Beranbaum's The Bread Bible. Find it at your library, our bookstore. It will change your perspective on making artisan breads at home!

~Perfection Baby~

All and all, what a week. I can not believe that last Sunday was Christy's Lingerie Party. It feels like it was at least two or three weeks ago. Hope you enjoyed the Blog Entry.

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