Wednesday, September 2, 2009

~Remembering Grandpa~

My Grandpa (my mom's daddy) Fred's birthday would have been September 1st. He passed when I was in High School a week before Prom. I was his ONLY grandchild. My mom's mom passed before I was born. Grandpa remarried when I was 2 years old to an amazing grandma named Brenda. Now she had 3 children, many grandchildren and even a few great grandchildren. So you can image how close grandpa and I were and how close he was with my mom. He was of of the two most amazing men I have ever known.

Mom and I decided to go out for the afternoon in memory of him. We stopped by Allie Beads and brought some things to fix a belt that mom has. After that we went to MCL Cafeteria. Yes, the cafeteria for "older people" but I find such an amazing over flow of memories, come to mind, the moment I walked in the door. Granted my mom was the second youngest in the place, still. Mom ordered what Grandpa would have had, Chicken Noodle soup over mashed potatoes and I ordered the same things that I ordered for years. Although I added some Chicken Cordon Blu. Mostly because what I ordered as a kid, is not much of a meal. When we got to the end of the line (to pay) we asked if they were sold out of their famous cinnamon rolls. The lady replied, "Of course not, we keep them in here so that the don't get dry at all under the heating lamps!" Mom and I split it! Tasted better than ever!

We spent the entire time talking back and fourth, practically listing, memory after memory of times we spent with Grandpa, things he used to always do, things he used to always say and then mom shared things she had never shared about him before. War. It was an incredible lunch date with mom, one that I will NEVER forget.

~Us at Allie Beads~

~Us Outside of MCL to Celebrate~

~The Meal I Always Got + Chicken~

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