Tuesday, September 1, 2009

~For U Jill~

Audrey got her new cast's on her feet and legs today. Jill is in Rome today and was not able to see her after she got them put on. So here is Audrey being a big girl in her new dress to go with her new leg wear. She was a little shy about them at first but she warmed up to me within... 40 seconds! lol. I just got home and am leaving again. I did not have time to paint her nails but i played "2 rounds" of hide & go seek with the girls. Plus, I didn't get your text til I was leaving and I wanted to be able to send you the pix and video. Talk to you soon. Miss ya Jill.

1 comment:

  1. Meredith, you are the sweetest friend a girl can have!! thank you so much for doing that for me. Love ya!
