Thursday, September 10, 2009

~Amber's Wedding~

On September 19th Amber and John got married!!! They had a beautiful wedding. Last month, I went shopping with her at Michael's to pick out decorations and such. John got some landscaping done at their home for their outdoor wedding. Amber looked like a Greek Goddess on her wedding day (just what she was going for). Her friend (now, our friend) Dawn did her hair and other family and friends pitched in to help. I got their around noon and had so much fun "behind the scenes" before the three o'clock wedding. Amber and I met by chance in Elementary school. I was walking home from the bus stop (at 8 years old), fell and split my knee open on a rock. Her grandma came out and "saved me", cleaned me up and proceeded to tell me that her granddaughter would be coming to visit. Within that year Amber was at her grandma's to stay. We were inseparable from that point on. We were the only kids our age in the neighborhood. We played together, babysat together and had many birthday parties with one another.Amber was asking everyone during her Bridal Shower, if they would bring cameras and take all the pictures they could. I later surprised Amber to tell her that I would photographer her wedding. It was the first wedding that I photographed on my own without Tommy. He had another wedding to photopraph that day. I was so honord to be such a big part of their special day. Pictures from the wedding day to come. It will take a little while to fix them up and get them ready to show. Can't wait to display my NAF work... I'll keep ya posted.

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