Thursday, September 10, 2009

~Westerville Library~

I recently fell in love again and our Public Library is to blame. Westerville Public Library to be exact. I started volunteering last month. Just for 20 – 30 minutes at a time, whenever I can make it in. Unfortunately they really need help because of the budget cuts and the fact that they can not longer be open on Sundays. There are some perks to being a volunteer there, for one you get a free Starbucks coffee, secondly your get to check out anything (that you find) that just got returned and lastly you get to return any and all items up to two weeks late without penalty. I think that it’s worth it. Tommy and I have been so busy this summer with weddings. When I volunteer, it allows me to focus on nothing bust alphabetizing the DVDs that I am filing back. It is a way for me to take 30 minutes and clear my mind before I get back to work or running errands. Check out the Westerville Library when you can.

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