Wednesday, September 2, 2009

~Family, Friends & Fun~

Tommy set up the studio for a lifestyles session of a little baby named Eli. He is an offical NAF(NewAgeFoto) baby! We photographed his mommy and daddy's wedding, maternity session, when he was born and this past week. All of the pictures are great! There will be a video posted soon of all that we have done for his family. Anywho, Jackson took over...

We got him to move... but still... on to Tommy's shoes.

Tommy was very sweet to me by bringing me lunch at Archivers last week. I had not srpabooked at lot this summer because we have been so busy with NAF (NewAgeFoto). Tommy let me go early to scrap and called me not long after I was there to ask if he could bring us a meal to split. I said, "Sure!" We ate together out of our brown paper bags and fisihed, each, with a Little Debbie dessert.

I went to Alisha's Surprise Bridal Shower. I had such a good time. One of the gift ideas was to make Alisha a 8x10 scrapbook page of Pearls of Wisdom. A recipe, thoughts on marriage and/or scrap some pictures. Tommy helped me by making a page of the four of us (Tommy, Me, Brian & Alisha) when we were out on night. We went to see an outdoor movie at Easton and Tommy made burgers for us to eat while we were there... Napa Vally Basil Smoke Burgers to be exact. He put on the scrap page a pic of us all eating them and then the recipe of course. Alisha loved it. I also passed out gifts at the shower and did well at one of the games we all played. Brian's mom gave us all ornaments for favors! Perfect for me... I LOVE ORNAMENTS.

Tommy took me to the driving range. I had not gone in a long time, even then... I was not good. He taught me well... I hit a ball over 75 yards! lol. At least he looked good out there.

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