Thursday, September 10, 2009

~Amber's Bridal Shower~

I have a friend, named Amber that I go way back with. She and I met by chance in Elementary school. I was walking home from the bus stop (at 8 years old), fell and split my knee open on a rock. Her grandma came out and "saved me", cleaned me up and proceeded to tell me that her granddaughter would be coming to visit. Within that year Amber was at her grandma's to stay. We were inseparable from that point on. We were the only kids our age in the neighborhood. We played together, babysat together and had many birthday parties with just the two of us so that we could go on more “expensive birthday adventures” like Kings Island, the Zoo and more.

On September 19th Amber and her fiancé are getting married. She and John have two beautiful little boys and another baby on the way. I wanted so badly to be the one to throw her a Bridal Shower. Some how I pulled it off as a Surprise. I asked every woman that was friends with Amber on Facebook if they could make it and if they would I sent them a little pink invite.

The invite read:
Amber’s SURPRISE Bridal Shower
An Ice Cream Sundae Social

Friday, September 11th 2009
At MCL Cafeteria
60 Westerville Square
Westerville, OH 43081
Phone: 614-818-1700

6:30pm Time for You to Arrive
7:00pm Amber Arrives

I told Amber that I was having a Girls Night Out! I even sent her a little “Girls Night Out” post card to save the date. When she gets to my house, I will tell her that the other girls canceled but we could still go out together. I will just drive to MCL. She’ll be so surprised when she sees everyone there, in the banquet hall! MCL said that they would prefer that at least 20 of the 40+ people order food. You may come hungry, either way we will still have an Ice Cream Sundae Bar.

Amber and John have not registered so we will have a theme for gifts. Please bring either an ornament for their “First Year Married Christmas Tree” or a picture frame for them to use in their home!

If you would like to make an 8 ½ x 11 Scrapbook Page for Amber, please do so. Here are some ideas for pages.
-Pictures of the both of you and such.
-Thoughts of inspiration for the newly married gal.
-Recipe or recipes.
-Get creative!

Meredith Feisel (614) 406-5005

Amber was so confused when we pulled into MCL. I ended up telling her that one of the girls going out with us, needed to be picked up. Her husband dropped her off at work and we needed to pick her up, then we would be off to the movies! I had a lot of help from tow of Amber’s friends. They were both so very sweet. We had never met before and they helped purchase things for the Shower and were there early to set up! My mom was also a big help playing hostess until I got back with Amber.
When we got there Amber got some ice cream and it was on to games. Two of the games brought many, many laughs. After the games, we had her opened her gifts. She thought it was such a good idea to have them themed. Everyone did such an amazing job picking out frames and ornaments. It truly was a perfect evening.

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