Wednesday, March 3, 2010

~Amber's Benefit~

~i got 104.9 to announce on the radio!~

Amber, I love You, we all do! You mean the world to us. You are such a strong and amazing woman.

John, We miss you dearly and your legacy will live on though your wife and three beautiful boys.

You, I am honored to announce that we raised over $4,000 for Amber and her boys.

We had the Benefit at BOMA on E. Broad on Sunday from 2-5pm. We had over 120 people attend. There were over 60 baskets auctioned off, 7 items raffled off and three live auctions. I was so overwhelmed with all that volunteered. I had over 8 people there at noon to help set up and at least 10 people that stayed the whole time to make sure that everything was taken care of at any given moment. Our 5 raffle gals were great, my rents did a wonderful job, Vicki came into town to handle all the money, dad's bible study friends helped, Kevin played guitar and sang, Bethany helped with collecting money, Tommy was on the microphone with me, Hannah help collect baskets, Adam M.C.'d the Live Auction and I can not even begin to tell you who all helped before the 18th arrived! It was amazing. Wow! It was truly amazing. Also, many of us wore tie-dye in memory of John.

~location, BOMA (BAR OF MODERN ART)~

~sweets in honor of the boys, donated by spinelli's deli~

~marco and hugo~

~me and e~

~me and daddy~
~adam was great, "95, can i get 100? 100! 110?"~

~9 pints of jeni's ice cream on dry ice baby!~

~amber and her sweet baby, john~

~kevin on mic singing amber's wedding song, in memory of john~

~with the boys~

~norma and jim came!~

~the marland drive crew. old school.~

Thank you again to all that helped! You can still donate to Amber (Amber Marinello Family Fund) and we are thinking of doing a canned food drive in June/July for her and the boys. It was so nice to have Amber and the Boys honored on Sunday. It was worth the work.

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