Wednesday, March 3, 2010

~Summer in the City~

So I know it's Spring but I don't care. I was starting to blog about these events and that song popped into my head. I was singing it the whole time I was typing so I had to add the video. We had couple nights out this week, IN A ROW. See, we're not old and married, we go out! lol.

Arielle and her friends from work thew a Arielleapoluza Party for her because it's official, she's going away. She is moving next Sat to Cali. We are going to miss her so much. We did have a lot of fun while we were out though. We met up at Park Street Bar on Thursday night and sat out on the Patio and had some drinks. Lots of people came out to party and say goodbye. There were at least 15 when we got there and I think we ended up with over 30, including Charles Nagy by the time the night was over. Nagy bought us drinks too. That made my year! ;)

Emily, who sang as I walked down the aisle, had her birthday party last night. I was so sad that I missed her last two birthday parties because of my schedule. She decided to have a dinner night out at Martini. There were 19 of us there, at one table. It was so much fun to get all dressed up two nights in a row. The 5 of us (at one end of the table) had not all hung out together in years! I was so much fun to talk, eat, drink & be merry!


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