Tuesday, March 2, 2010

~Spring It On Its Way~

~Pic of me and Mom last week. We ordered pizza with the guys!~
~Booked Allie for Maternity Sessions. She is in GA now, Hubby in Iraq and moving to Columbus to be "home" for the birth. She is due June 13th but is planning on coming home early because she is going to have the baby here in Ohio. We are so excited to be able to spend some time with her (and her daughter Izzie) for a while. It's official they are naming their son... Jackson. It was so cute. She asked us if we thought it would be ok?! We can not wait to do this shoot. Allie is moving home soon and will be here April - July or August. We are so happy.~

~Amber and I spent some time together, over my lunch, today. She and I talked about all kinds of things. Baby John was asleep most of the time. He was born, 10lbs and is 5 weeks old and already 15lbs now. What a boy. Check out these cheeks.~

~I planted some of my herbs the other day and some of them are doing really well. I also got Tomatoes and Peppers for the First time. I am so excited about them. The Chives, Basil and Thyme has started to spout too but that's about it.. the others are far behind. I hope they get'a growin'!~

~Some asked about the pic from Hide - A - Way Hills, where Tommy was holding a banana and it's caption read, "Keep you hands off my food and your hands off my Mama". That is what Tommy said to me while I was taking the picture and this is where it came from~

~I was so excited to host Girls Night again this month at our house. For March we had a Dove Chocolate (at home) Party. I "won" the party at Shadowbox last month. It was so much fun. We had so much fun tasting chocolates, sipping martini's and winning mini prizes. We also added a surprise in there. You see, Arielle is leaving for Cali soon and we also incorporated a "Going Away Party" within the party. She is moving next month and each of us got her a little gift. Kyla got her a beach towel and bag, I got her suntan lotion and a candle and Emily got her nail polish, lotion and chap stick.~

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