Wednesday, March 3, 2010

~WARNING: the Following is Graphic~

I posted this first picture on Facebook saying that Jaskson was sick!
~WARNING: the Following is Graphic~
OK, You've been warned!
Alisha commented "What happened? Sick How?" So I wrote the following and updates throughout the week. Lots of people commented in between my comments but below I just added mine. All and all Jackson is FINALLY back to his normal self, for the most part. He still wont play and wants to sleep a lot but...

Meredith Feisel 2/30 at 10:52am
6 days, 2 explosive diarrhea's in the house (including the living room shelves), thew up on himself and didn't care, thew up down stairs then thew up a plush toy (that was not his aka from Pet Palace (and we did not pay for play time) and yesterday was the first day that he has finished his full two cups of food since thurs the 18th. after he threw up this morning he went up stairs and back to bed... still sleeping. he has not played or wanted to go on a walk since last week and yesterday he even stepped in his diarrhea and got away from tommy... yes it tracked up the stairs! urrrggg/poooooor puppy!

~Diarrhea #1~
~Diarrhea #1~
Meredith Feisel 2/30 at 6:01pm surprisingly he did well during his x-ray. it showed tons of "gas bubbles" but no additional toys! yeah! he was pooped when we got home. too much excitement in one day for a sick pup. he's been sleepin' since 2:15pm. the also gave him meds to make him regular and we have to cook him chicken and rice for dinner... not dog food, for now! lol. not like he's been eating it anyway!

Meredith Feisel 2/30 at 6:02pm
also he still has not eating the mini treat i gave him, in his cage. :(

Meredith Feisel 2/31 at 3:21pm
he ate all of his chicken and rice last night and this morning. he also took his meds too :) hopefully he will poop soon and it will be NORMAL! lol.

Meredith Feisel 4/1 at 2:14pm still has not pooped! ahhhh! now we're scared again! lol.

Meredith Feisel 4/1 at 6:34pm
liked the chicken and rice enough to eat it but still will not finish a bowl (2 cups) of his dog food. i guess he wants chicken. i took him for a LONG walk, ran up and down the street with him (dragging him) still will not pop.

Meredith Feisel 4/2 at 9:34am

Hopefully soon now he will play and want to go for a walk with out me dragging him along. Poor puppy. What a week. Many will ask so I'll say it now... We were refunded by Pet Palace and compensated for our time and vet visit.

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