Wednesday, March 3, 2010

~I Need Some Land~

I would never have guessed three years ago that I would have been dying for land. Land to go herbs, veggies and wildflowers all of my own.

Last year I got away with 9 pots in front of the door. I had three kinds of basil, some sage, parsley, green onion, oregano, thyme, mint and more. This year I have those plus some new ones including cilantro.

But this year I am ready to take it to the next level, I am growing veggies! I am trying some tomatoes and jalapeno peppers in the early season and later I think I might tackle beats and asparagus later! I did try strawberries last year but buy the time they got big the season was over and have you ever tried strawberries? You have to trim the “babies” and replant the the “mothers” every two years to keep them alive. So much work when the condo development tells you you cant plant anything in the ground.

Wildflowers, well I can't explain that too well. I just want some! I thought for mothers day it would be nice to go and get some and scatter them in the back yard, plant some in pots for the front yard and pot some for mom to take home and put in her house. I also thought it might be fun to “boarder the condo” with them. We'll see! :)

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