Wednesday, March 3, 2010

~Last Night, 2Day & 2Night~

~Let me start off by asking... "What the heck?". So last night it started snowing as girls were leaving Girls Night at our house. This morning, this was my view out the door. Ewwwwww!~

~The boys last night both fell asleep with their heads in their pillows. I had to get a picture!~

~Pathetic Puppy! I tossed the side pillow on the floor when I was on the couch and it only took him 2 seconds to run over and plop his head down. He ever stayed there for an hour.~

~I went to the Scrap Expo today and got some things! It was at the Ohio Expo Center. It was nice for me to go and walk around but I missed Jill. I was happy to find a couple of baseball things, including and Jolee Sticker that's always been $4 for 50 cents! I also got a lil something for Jill and something for Hannah. The silver case is full of black velvet flowers. Something I had never seen before.~

~For our next trip to Maui~

~I have wanted these, so bad, for so long. $1!~

~Is that not the cutest Disney Sticker ever?~

~We are probably going to GA this summer to visit my cousins and I got these for 25 cents for when we got to the Coke Museum. I have been but Tommy has not. Can't wait for him to see it. Cross your fingers! lol!~

~For a Jackson Page!~

~For Someone Special!~

~My friend Amber and I used to "make" "Sprite Commercials" as kids. We would take pictures and film, write dialog and everything. lol. I saw these and I could not resist! Totally added mine to the '93 album! I told Amber about it and she got a huge kick out of it!~

~Tommy was saying, "We have to go out tonight because you are going to be gone this weekend." I finally agreed. I should not have had a late night tonight but it was so worth it. Check out what we ate...there's a new restaurant called Tora and we got some take out there with my rents last week. Tommy took me there tonight to enjoy a sit down (2 hour) meal. Yum!~

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