Tuesday, March 2, 2010

~You Should Know~

So if you have not picked up on this yet, sometimes I (we) write blogs that are kind of random but they are things I think our friends and family would like to know about. Since Tiffany and Desmond's Wedding some things have happened. Ok, some of this is from before the wedding too but still. Hope you get a kick out of all of it.

~Tommy and I were so excited to have a canvas order last week, that was our largest order to date. It's a great picture of Rachel and Chris. We are so excited to share with you later, where they hung it. We will get a pic when we can.~
~We are still not down from our Arnold and Sylvester High! We still can't get over that we saw them at Easton last week. Wow!~

~My Handsome Man~

~"After 2 1/2 years... I hung our marriage certificate! I guess it's official"
Ashley Wiers Sanders
I hope it doesn't take hanging the certificate to make it official because if it does I've been living in sin for 10 years and getting knocked up by my live in boyfriend...3 times :-)
Naomi Eddy
HAHAHAHA love the comment Ashley, same with me! I was like, "oh crap are we supposed to hang it?"
Ashley and Naomi are from my Bible Study Group! Love what they wrote.~

~Jackson got a new Collar. He really could care less!~

~Thank God for a Good Day! He made Chicken and Potatoes with Sauce that I bought for Tommy a couple of months ago at Weilands.~
~Went to Amber's again this week and took food along with playing and holding the baby. We officially have an Event location for her benefit. It's going to be at BOMA downtown.~
~Finally got the tree down and the boxes away. That only took two months! lol. I can not believe how big our living room looks again. Pic right before we boxed it up!~

~Jackson was so very excited to have his pillow back in the corner. As soon as Tommy placed it in the room, he ran, plopped down and grinned ear to ear.~

~Signed up for Scrap mania for April 9th with Amber. We are going to work on our Shadow Boxes. Here's my "Before" picture!~

~Last week saw Whip It, Gamer and Fame. Drug Mart rents movies on Monday nights for 79 cents. We used to go more often but we've been so busy. It was nice to watch Whip It and Fame as for Gamer! Hell No! G. Butler what the heck were you thinking? No No No No!~

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