Tuesday, March 2, 2010

~My Treasures, My Family~

Jill, Mom and I went Zanesville again to go Antique shopping. We, once again, had a blast!!! Last time we went to Waynesville, so it had been a while since we have been to Zanesville. My mom grew up there. When I was growing up we went every Sunday. I was talking to a new friend the other day who had listed on their profile that they were born in Zanesville. I said to her, "You must love Tom's Ice Cream Bowl too!" She made a point that Tom's and Adornetto's Pizza were the only places that town has goin' for them. I was so thrown back because I don't remember eating at a pizza place in Z growing up. I called my mom and said, "Someone I was talking too said there's a pizz-" Mom cut me off with, "Adornetto's Pizza! Oh my gosh, they're one of the hits of the town." Needless to say we had to check it out! Don't get me wrong. I did not "dip" out on Tom's, we still got shakes to go! lol. It was also so nice just to be with the ladies and spend some time with my mom and Jill. It has been too long since the three of us had done something.

~laughing too much~

~found a peter rabbit cookie jar. so cute.~

~one word... puuuuuurrrrrrr!~

~at a pizza place that a friend recommended.~

~on the way out of town we went past my grandpa's old house. i miss that house so very much. i spent every other weekend there from the time i was 3 years old until my freshman year of high school. it was the perfect little ranch with a breeze way between the garage and the house with an acre in the back. oh, and a pool table in the basement! lol.~

Daddy always, jokingly, gives me a hard time that he and mom missed Woodstock solely because they were getting married on August 16th of 1969. So while we were in Zanesville, Dad and Tommy went to Shadowbox to see the Musical, Woodstock! They had a blast. I knew that daddy would enjoy it because of the music and his former student Andy (bottom left corner of pix below) was in the show. While they were there Tommy texted me, "Andy's not the only former student of your dads!" I laughed, go figure, Daddy knows everybody! lol.

-----Shadowbox is gearing up to debut its new, original musical documentary, Woodstock: Back to the Garden, opening Sunday, September 20th at the Easton Town Center.

The show tells the story of the Woodstock Music and Art Fair with original scenes mixed with quotes from key performers and songs from the concert itself.

"This is a story that takes a look behind the scenes of the most famous concert in history," explains Jimmy Mak, scene-writer for the play and Shadowbox's head writer. "But it's still a musical. We still have characters bursting into song and dance ... they just happen to be songs from Woodstock."------

There was a new sushi place that Tommy and I were going to go to today but we decided to get it on Sunday, with the family, instead. It's called Tora and it's on Hamilton Road. We looked at the website and Tommy was sold. Could not wait til today.

~later that night tommy got sushi for me, dad and mom~

~of course we played apple to apples along side the food~

~tommy reading off the rolls he got~

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