Wednesday, March 3, 2010

~Tim & Ako's~

Tim and Ako took a vacation to Japan this past month. They were gone for three weeks. We missed them so much. Aila started talking while we were there. So sad we missed that milestone but we made up for it. We went to their house for dinner. Aila was cracking us up with her little words, including "Aila" and her NEW facial expressions. Ako made a traditional Japanese meal for us. We had such a great time sitting out on the patio having dinner together. Can't wait to see them again.

~aila in her new chair~
~looking at tommy~

~watching her movie~

~with tommy outside~


~my favorite of them all, she loved my necklace~

~the veggie pancake ako made. they were soooo good. i want the recipe~

~airplane in the sky~

~"what are you lookin' at?~

~ako brought me back a couple of little treats including these sweets and some stationary items. so kind and so thoughtful.~

~holding on to mommy~

~yummm. trying new foods and loving them.~
~me & ako~

~sitting with her blankie~


~naked baby running away!~

~oh no! tommy? what did you do?~

~sitting, yes sitting, on her toy blocks~

~ako also made us some bread to take home. the next morning i sliced some up and made toast for the both of us. tommy and i loved it. it smelled and of course tasted so good.~

~someone was being extra cute and i had to take some video!~

~this photo is random, the reason it's at the bottom of this blog, but... i like it! i saw it on a cake blog last week and thought i have to add that somewhere. this seemed to be a good fit. this is a cake that was made for a party. it's mostly fondant and made into a sushi roll. i just love it.~

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