Wednesday, March 3, 2010

~So Much to do, So Little Time~

Tommy and I were by the old neighborhood on Sunday and we ended up running into Kelly and E. We talked for a sec and they said, "We're going to Brio at Polaris, you should come". So we met them there, then E ran into her boyfriend and his brother, so they joined.... THEN E ran into Sami and she stopped by with her friends for a few. It was the perfect kinda Sunday. We got a private table for 7 on the patio and spent over an hour just eating apps, soup and talking. It was a blast.
Tommy and I ran into a Thrift Store on the way home on Sunday to buy more baskets for the benefit for Amber and the boys. We ended up buying over 15 and while we were looking Tommy found a Cedar Point "Cup", for lack of a better word. He was so surprised to find it. This pic is too funny. I think he is glad not to be working there anymore. Especially not having to listen to the Johnny Rockers Singers on Repeat!!!
Whoever said that left overs had to be boring. I got all the appetizers out from Brio and we sat on the back patio over lunch and talked. Kelly was kind enough to send her share home with us. I have to admit, just looking at the picture I'm hungry for Brio again.
~What a Game~
God Blessed this country with the greatest sport on the planet, Baseball! Daddy has partial season tickets with the Clippers and offered a couple of tickets to me and Tommy! We were honored to take them! If you have not been to the new stadium yet, you must go. It's beautiful! This past winter was the longest winter of my entire life with everything going on the mounds of snow we accumulated. It was so nice to be out in the great weather and relax to nothing but the sound of the crack of the bat and crowds cheering, oh and the cutest 2 1/2 year old behind us. We played the Bats from Louisville! Ok, now lets talk about "Dorn"! Check out the video first!

So 1st baseman on the Bats team, last name is Dorn. There were six guys that started the heckling and by the 4th inning the entire 1st base line (and the sections that come with) were all all in on it. "Give me a D", "D" etc. "Come on Dorn, get infront of the damn ball." It didn't help Danny Dorn that he wasn't playing his best game. By the 9th inning it was 5-1 and we were good to go. We knew we had won the game. Dorn comes up to bat and we "make it up to him" by rooting him on. "Go Dorn", "Come on Dorn", "You can do it Down" and he hits a homer! Can you believe it. It was a great baseball game. So Fun. Even little Olivia behind us would yell, "Dorn"! We still WON 5-3 but man... :)

So my Mom and Dad decided last year to decorate our door with Ohio State Crap!... DURING the OSU vs MI game. Tommy and I got a big laugh out of it when Tommy went down stairs to take out the dog and noticed it all. Right before Mom and Dad got home from Hawaii Tommy and I had a date night at 11pm over at their house to get it "READY"! HAHA! Check out the video too! It about sums it up! :)

~getting started~
~no more indians gear in the locker~
~so proud~

~with mom&dad, home from hawaii~

~Glee is Back Baby~

Tommy and I got hooked on the show Glee last year. Between the theatrical elements, Sue's Corner and the fact that it takes place in Lima, Ohio we're sold! We have been waiting for, what feels like forever, for it to start back up. We new that we were going to be watching the show live as apposed to DVRing it and watching it around 11 like usual so we figured we'd open our doors for friends to come over and watch it with us. A few of our friends came over to watch with us. Some had been hooked on the show like us and some had never seen it before. Alisha and Brian loved it and Sammy was there. I had not seen him in forever. Kyla was there too. She also had not see it before and jut might be hooked. I went ahead and DVR'd and episode of Oprah that review the first season and explained the characters. We watched that first and then started the show. I got Key Lime Bars and made them for desert, Tommy bought hot dogs for the night to grill and Kyla brought chips and dip and such. It was a good time just hanging out and pigging out a little. To date the pilot was one of my favorites but man oh man way to start season 2!

~Yeah! It's the Glee Looser Sign, What of it?~

~Cute Pic of Kyla and Muah~


  1. Oh the prank...can't wait to show it to Dwight!! Hope you got my email about how much fun we had with your parents-they are AWESOME! - Laura Amberg
